Saturday, September 16, 2006

We Asked--You Answered

I wanted to extend a thank you to all those alums who responded to my earlier request to join the ASK (Alumni Sharing Knowledge) network. We now have over 200 PG alums who have offered to help our students think about life after UPS-one of the largest among all the departments on campus. We appreciate all of you who have joined the ASK Network, provided alum profiles or other posts to the blog. Students have remarked how valuable they have found it to be.

To that end, if you're already on the ASK Network and need to update your information or haven't yet joined the Network and would like to do so, you can get the necessary login and password by clicking on the link above.

And students and alums, don't forget the upcoming ASK Night on campus:

ASK Night: Thursday, September 21, 2006
Marshall Hall, Wheelock Student Center

"Alumni will arrive at 6:30 p.m. for refreshments and a brief alumni gathering. Students should arrive at 7 p.m.

ASK Night provides an opportunity to talk with Puget Sound alumni and alumnae from a variety of walks of life. You share with them a common heritage in liberal arts education and their stories should provide ample examples of how life is enriched through that heritage. Pay attention not only to the measures of career success but also the broader associations in which these people may engage (i.e., professional and voluntary).

Don't miss this opportunity to mingle with alumni and hear about what others have done with their liberal arts education. Light refreshments provided."
