A Message to Graduating Seniors:
You are no doubt trying to decide what you will do next year, or even for the next 5 years. I want to let you know more about opportunities in the public interest field.
U.S.PIRG is a federation of state-based public interest advocacy groups. This year we are hiring 100 graduating college students to determine where this country is going: to solve our energy problems; to reform the campaign finance system; to fight for banking reform and fix the financial crisis; to fight hunger and homelessness; and make an impact on many other public interest issues.
For more information I invite you to check out our website, www.uspirg.org/jobs.
Irene Jeon
Program Associate, WashPIRG
1402 3rd Avenue, Suite 715
Seattle, WA 98101
(o) 206.568.2854 x2007
(f) 206.568.2858