Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Internship Opportunity with Pierce County Council #4 - Immediate Start Date

Professor O'Neil,

I have an opportunity for an intern in Tacoma on one of my County Council campaigns that can start immediately. The information is below. Let me know if you have any questions

Thank you,
Nic Van Putten

Position Information:
Part-time unpaid internship
Sharon Benson for Pierce County Council #4 (Democrat)
10-15 hours per week
March 1st through May 18th

The intern will act as the campaign manager during the spring semester. Responsibilities will include managing the campaign calendar, organizing fundraising events, assisting the candidate with other fundraising efforts, organizing volunteers for doorbelling and phonebanking, and assisting in data entry. The work will be split between the campaign office in Tacoma and the intern’s home or dorm. No previous campaign experience is required. We are able to work with the student and university if the intern is seeking course credit for the position. To apply, please send a resume to Nic@ProgressiveStrategiesNW.com.