Friday, December 11, 2009
US teaches; China learns
...China is second only to India when graduate students and undergrads are counted. But undergraduates such as Sun are the newer phenomenon. Nationally, an 11% growth in undergrad enrollments last year was driven largely by a 60% increase from China, a report by the Institute of International Education says. Grad student enrollments were up 2%.
U.S. colleges and universities have long welcomed students from China, where the higher education system can't meet the demand. Two years ago, a record 10 million students throughout China took the national college entrance test, competing for 5.7 million university slots. Because foreign undergraduates typically aren't eligible for U.S. federal aid, colleges here can provide limited financial help. Now, thanks to China's booming economy in recent years, more Chinese families can afford to pay...
Free webinar on careers in intelligence
"Author and Henley-Putnam adjunct professor Thomas B. Hunter will provide an introduction to careers in intelligence analysis, including a discussion of counterterrorism, human factors in terrorism, weapons systems, detainee support and Homeland Security. He will also offer a breakdown of the different agencies and their missions. Prior to joining Henley-Putnam, Mr. Hunter served as an intelligence officer with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), where he specialized in a variety of analytical areas, including Homeland Security, Detainee Support, and South American narcoterrorism."
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
President Thomas op-ed on higher ed
That brings us to the state budget, which analysts now predict will be $2.6 billion out of balance by the end of the biennium in the middle of 2011. Some are already drawing a target — again — on higher-education funding. They say that their hands are tied, and look to colleges for reductions because investing in higher education is not constitutionally mandated.
Further cuts to higher education would be a huge mistake.
Colleges are already working with limited resources; additional cuts in operating support would make it increasingly difficult to offer the classes and support services students need. Slashing financial aid would force many students out of college and dash their best hope for getting the skills and knowledge they need to improve their lives and climb the economic ladder.
Read the whole thing here.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Reminder: Boren Scholarship
Now that this year’s Fulbright deadline has passed, we would like to remind you of another opportunity for students interested in adding an international component to their educations. The Boren Awards provide funding to students pursuing international and language study in world regions critical to U.S. interests, such as Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Students who have applied for or expressed interest in the Fulbright, especially those that are interested in one of the world regions listed above, may also want to consider the Boren Awards. We encourage you to share this information with them.
Boren Fellowships for graduate students provide up to $30,000 for language study and international research. Boren Scholarships for undergraduate students provide up to $20,000 for study abroad. We are currently accepting applications for the 2010-11 academic year competition and the national deadline for Boren Fellowship applications is January 28, 2010. The national deadline for Boren Scholarship applications is February 10, 2010. However, each institution has a designated campus representative, and your campus may have an earlier, on-campus deadline. Please contact us or visit our website for campus-specific information.
We appreciate your efforts in publicizing this award and helping internationally-minded students fund their studies. If you have any questions about the Boren Awards, please contact us at or 1-800-618-NSEP. You can also visit for more information and to access the online applications for Boren Scholarships, Boren Fellowships, and The Language Flagship Fellowships.
We look forward to receiving applications from your institution.
Boren Scholarships and Fellowships
Institute of International Education
1400 K Street, NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20005-2403
Phone: 202-326-7733
Fax: 202-326-7672
Thursday, December 03, 2009
How much do you--and everyone else--owe after college?
A few comparisons:
School/Average student debt, 2008
UW Seattle/$16800
Pacific Lutheran/$22484
University of Oregon/$18805
Lewis and Clark/$20661
University of Puget Sound/$25005
A couple of ways you can look at this: that we are at the top of this, and/or the distance between Puget Sound and a state school like Oregon is smaller than we might expect--
Organizing for America is the spinoff from the Obama campaign that is now an arm of the national Democratic party. Interns with OFA learn "political mobilization skills essential for any campaign and experience the power of grassroots community organizing firsthand."
The following is from their mailing on this opportunity:
"Apply for a Spring 2010 internship before the December 18th deadline.
President Obama has always encouraged young Americans to believe they can be change makers. If you are passionate about reviving the economy, making the United States a global leader in clean energy, and want to be in the heart of politics, apply for an OFA internship. No prior experience is necessary.
Learn more and apply today to help mobilize Americans for the changes we need:"
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Awesome internship opportunity with Metro Parks Tacoma
She wants someone to start work next semester, and wants to give students opportunities to work in areas of interest to them that are on the Metro Parks agenda. It appears that this is an opportunity get get some real world experience and some real world responsibilities!
If you are interested, please contact Professor Sousa. You can discuss ways you might get credit toward graduation for this work.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Seniors: Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs
I graduated this past Spring from UPS and have since been participating in the Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs. I write to you now to encourage you to inform other UPS students about this fellowship opportunity.
The Fellows Program is a 9 month, intensive, experiential leadership training program that focuses on preparing students to be leaders in the public affairs area. It is a highly competitive nationally recognized fellowship with centers in Los Angeles, New York, Pitsburg, San Francisco, and St. Louis.. In the 9 months, Fellows are placed in a series of internships in different sectors. These sectors include: non-profit, government, media, for-profit business, labor union, political campaign, etc. Throughout each week, Fellows also meet with their class (approximately 12 individuals at each Center) and staff trainers. Additionally, the Fellows conduct approximately 100 interviews to practice the art of inquiry. In only two months, I have interviewed Warren Bennis, Gena Davis, various mayors, Los Angeles City Council Members, etc. Coro is very difficult to explain because there really is nothing else like it. I think the best way that I've seen it explained is in this video on the Coro website (bottom left side):
If there are any students at UPS who are interested in the Fellows program, please forward them my contact information and I will be happy to go into more detail.
The application deadline is January 22nd. Although it's a ways away, I am telling you now because students will need to submit 3 essays and 3 letters of recommendation. The application can be found on the website.
Also, Coro will be hosting a webinar this Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:40 PM. I listened into one of these webinars last year and it really really helped answer a lot of questions and gave me a pretty good idea of what Coro might be like. So if there is anyone who is remotely interested, please encourage them to register at
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions.
Thank you,
Kelly LaMar
Fellow in Public Affairs
Coro Center for Civic Leadership
1000 N. Alameda St., Suite 240
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Cell: 714.306.6716
Friday, November 27, 2009
Some top lists
In the top twenty for study abroad:
The national Open Doors 2009 survey from the Institute of International Education reports that Puget Sound ranks in the top 20 U.S. baccalaureate institutions for study abroad, both in terms of the number of students who studied abroad for a full academic year and the number involved over one semester. In both scenarios Puget Sound ranked number 18 and was the only Washington state institution in the top 20.
In the top ten in vegetarian food at university campuses:
This is the second time recently that Puget Sound has been named in the top 10. The college ranked No. 7 this year and No. 3 in 2007. Other colleges in the top 10 include Wesleyan University; University of California, Santa Cruz; American University; and University of Illinois.
Get the details from the university website, here.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Law Students: Summer Program in Germany
DAAD Opportunity for Intensive Legal Training in Germany
Application Deadline: January 15, 2010
The DAAD Summer Law School 2010 offers the unique opportunity to receive intensive legal training at the University of Freiburg, which hosts one of the most prestigious law faculties in Germany. After the one-week seminar, you will spend about three weeks as an intern at a German law firm, court or other legal institution.
DAAD will provide funding to internationally interested and outstanding law degree undergraduates in the second and third year of their studies. Applications of students in their first year are also admissible. German language skills are not a prerequisite, but welcome! The DAAD funding includes a grant of 650 euros for the duration of the summer school. Furthermore, each scholarship holder will receive a lump sum for international travel expenses (depending on country of origin) and a five-day travel card for German Railways. DAAD will also provide health insurance and accident and personal/private liability insurance.
On June 14, 2010 the Summer Law School starts off with a one-week seminar series on German and European law in Freiburg. After that, students start their individual internships at institutions of their choice. A meeting of all scholarship holders takes place July 16-17 in Berlin. This date marks the official ending of the summer school. Internships may be continued afterward.
For eligibility requirements and information on how to apply, please visit
Visit the Summer Law School website at
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Global Youth Connect: Delegations to Bosnia and Rwanda
CALL for DELEGATES: GYC Human Rights Delegations to Rwanda and Bosnia, Spring & Summer 2010
Are you engaged in promoting human rights and understanding?
Do you want to make a difference in:
(a) your experience and that of your affiliated institutions and organizations?
(b) the lives of young human rights activists in rebuilding nations like Bosnia and Rwanda?
(c) the experience of human rights organizations in these countries?
(d & e & f & g) collective local and global communities and networks?
Global Youth Connect (GYC), a non-profit international human rights organization, is now accepting applications from young leaders for our upcoming Spring and Summer 2010 international human rights delegations to Bosnia and Rwanda.
GYC’s Human Rights Delegations are a unique, first-hand opportunity to cross cultural boundaries and learn about the daily reality of human rights as experienced in a complex and increasingly globalized world. Each delegation weaves together three core sets of activities that effect change on all of the aforementioned levels, and then some:
· a human rights training workshop with local youth activists
· site visits to local organizations
· hands-on fieldwork projects
Bosnia Summer 2010 Delegation:
June 23 –July 13
Application Deadline: Jan 10
Age Range: 18 – 30
Program Tuition: $2500
This program will explore the roots of conflict and the dynamics of justice, reconciliation, and peace building as experienced in Bosnia more than a decade after the signing for a peace accord. In particular, participants will gain experience in conflict resolution and transformation as well as deepen their understanding of the post-conflict challenges faced by Bosnians today, especially young people from various ethnic and religious backgrounds.
Rwanda Delegations (General Description): GYC Delegations to Rwanda explore the roots of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, how this legacy of violence has impacted the country and its people, particularly Rwandan youth, and also how the country is rebuilding today, with great success overall. We examine issues of truth, justice and reconciliation in the context of post-conflict Rwanda and what is needed to strengthen local institutions and programs dedicated to promoting a culture of respect for human rights. Participants connect with young Rwandans and participate in a variety of collaborative projects aimed at promoting human rights. The delegation also meets with leading human rights defenders, government representatives, international institutions, youth and others from local communities to learn more about the political, economic and social challenges faced by Rwandans today. NOTE: In 2010, we are increasing the number of delegations to Rwanda due to high interest in the program, and availability of the Program Director and Partner Organizations. We are excited about the added benefit which will come from more continuous work in Rwanda! In addition, we are diversifying our programming in Rwanda in 2010, such that some delegations will differ in focus, appealing to a range of activists with different skills/interests and ages.
Memorial Delegation to Rwanda
Dates: April 3rd – 25th, 2010
Application Deadline: Jan 10 (with rolling admissions until December 20 for up to half of the delegation)
Age Range: 18 – 35
Program Tuition: $2200
Overlapping with the start of the Genocide Memorial period – and the official national memorial week of April 7 – 14, this delegation will focus even more deeply on the 1994 Genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda. Site visits and volunteer fieldwork will have a particular focus on working with organizations serving survivors of the Genocide and/or working on issues of trauma counseling, healing, and reconciliation.
Youth Human Rights Delegation to Rwanda
Dates: July 1st – 23rd, 2010
Application Deadline: Jan 29
Age Range: 18 – 30
Program Tuition: $2200
This delegation will include a workshop focused on cross-cultural examinations of human rights and conflict resolution. Site visits and volunteer field-work catered to the needs/skills of the individuals who apply and the particular needs of local partner NGOs at the time, as per our general description above.
Arts for Peace Delegation to Rwanda
Dates: July 31 – Aug 22, 2010
Application Deadline: Jan 29
Age Range: 18 – 35
Program Tuition: $2200
On this delegation, the core activities – the human rights workshop, sitevisits, and fieldwork -- will be particularly, though not exclusively, focused on and infused with the arts. We will employ the arts as a tool for cross-cultural human rights education in a workshop setting, as well as a tool for raising awareness, inspiring action, and aiding in healing processes.
How to Apply: We invite interested young leaders to apply. We are looking for participants who are between the ages of 18-30 -- April and August Delegations to Rwanda will accept 18 – 35 years -- and who possess U.S. citizenship or residency as well as international students studying full-time at a U.S. college or university. Most importantly, applicants should wish to expand their knowledge and understanding of human rights and social justice, and contribute to local human rights efforts in the delegation country. Participants will become part of a growing global movement of youth acting together for compassion, human rights and responsibility.
For detailed information on program activities, costs, fundraising/financial aid, and application information, please read more below and visit:
If the information available through this email and the website is not sufficient to answer your questions, please contact GYC at
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Office of Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA-09) is seeking to hire a paid full time student intern for Winter 2010 in the Washington, D.C. office. Candidates should have an interest in the legislative process, possess excellent writing and communication skills, and have an understanding of the American political system. Pacific Northwest ties a plus!
Legislative interns will be responsible for projects such as writing correspondence, providing support for daily legislative tasks, fielding constituent phone calls and other requests. Other duties include leading Capitol building tours and providing staff with general office support. During their term, interns will also have the opportunity to attend briefings and committee hearings of personal interest and complete individual and team goals.
The Winter Internship begins in January 2010. We also welcome applications for the Summer 2010 internship, starting in May. If you would like to be considered for an internship, please send your resume and cover letter to
Catherine Fish
Scheduler/ Legislative Correspondent
Office of Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09)
Phone: 202.225.8901
Fax: 202.225.5893
Work for Grassroots Campaigns
History was made 1 year ago, and now is the time for the change to really happen! Grassroots Campaigns, inc. has joined forces with the American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International, Equality California, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the Sierra Club, Save the Children, and other progressive and humanitarian organizations to drive forwards a progressive agenda and get ready for the 2010 midterm elections.
Grassroots Campaigns is looking for top student leaders at the University of Puget Sound to join our teams as Assistant Canvass Directors! There is no better time or place to get involved and help to shape the new generation that will take this country in a more progressive direction.
Students who are interested should apply directly to:
Nicole Edwards
Assistant Canvass Director Job Responsibilities:
Recruitment: Build a team of 15-40 canvassers by recruiting from within the local community. Interview prospective staff and make hiring decisions.
Staff Management: Teach canvassing/fundraising skills. Work with your staff in individual and group settings, with a particular eye towards developing leaders. Cultivate a welcoming and motivating atmosphere.
Canvassing: Canvass in the field for four days per week, to train new and experienced staff in the field and meet personal fundraising requirements.
Administration: Carefully track income and expenses. Manage the budget for your office. Process staff payroll. Maintain records for future organizing efforts.
Strong communication and motivational skills, work ethic, and desire for political change are essential. Candidates must be able to work within a team, have proven leadership ability and an orientation towards handling a lot of responsibility. Strong self-direction and the ability to take initiative are also necessary qualifications. Previous field or canvassing experience is a plus, and may qualify candidates for additional leadership positions.
Newly hired directors will typically spend three weeks doing field training, working intensely alongside experienced directors and will also attend a week-long national classroom training. Additionally, directors receive support from regional management staff throughout their time on staff.
After one year in the position, staff will have learned the basics of running a successful grassroots campaign, including, but not limited to, fundraising and donor recruitment, hiring and supervising staff and/or volunteers, and turf management.
Positions are through August of 2010, and we’re building towards the mid-term elections. Campaign hours can run 80-100 hours per week, including work on weekends.
Annual salary for Assistant Canvass Directors begins at $24,000. Staff may opt into our health care plan (PPO). Paid training, vacation and sick days are included; student loan assistance is available.
Timing and Location:
Positions are available beginning post-graduation, in cities nationwide. Ask Nicole for details.
To Apply:
Nicole Edwards at 510.435.9204
Please visit our website,, for more information about current and past campaigns.
Grassroots Campaigns past and current clients include: Democratic National Committee, Political Action, League of Conservation Voters, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, American Civil Liberties Union, Common Cause,, Working America, Amnesty International, Center for American Progress, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and Save the Children (Save the Children is an independent organization and is not religiously or politically aligned. Save the Children has no direct affiliation with the organizations Grassroots Campaigns, Inc. partners with.).
Nicole Edwards
Regional Organizer
Grassroots Campaigns, Inc
Read/Write for the Examiner--
I hope everything is well at UPS. I have come across a very cool opportunity and wanted to share it with readers of the P&G blog. Last week I started writing for and was hired as their "Tacoma Public Policy Examiner." is a news site (based in Denver, Colorado) that essentially employs citizens as expert sources on particular subjects. Examiners function as independent contractors and apply to write for a certain topic (you can apply and potentially write for multiple topics as well). The topics are incredibly diverse, ranging from current events to the latest Twilight buzz.
Compensation is based on things such as page views, session length, subscriptions, and other traffic-related factors. I'm finding it to be a nice side gig to other work, although some people have made a great deal of money writing full-time. However, for me the best things about writing for is the access to such a large market. pieces frequently come up in Google search results, which means my writing can get substantial exposure. It's a nice supplement to my blog, which I've been keeping up on and off for a while.
If students, staff, or faculty are interested in writing for, you can read up on it here. For those who are ready to apply, follow this link for available Tacoma Examiner positions (there are also positions available nationally which you can search for).
Now comes my shameless plug. My profile page (with links to all my articles) can be found at Since my pay depends on traffic, I encourage everyone to check out my articles and, if you like the material, subscribe so you can receive updates when I publish new pieces. Also, if you decide to apply as a writer, it would be great if you could mention my name as the one who referred you. I receive $50 for each referred person who is accepted as an Examiner (this will be true of any future referrals you make as well). Here's a video on the referral process. My name is Colin Cronin and my Examiner ID number is 29360.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at Good luck in your writing careers!
Colin Cronin
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Job opportunities in a D.C. free market think tank
With the fall semester starting to wind down, I'm sure that many of your graduating students have already begun considering their next steps post-graduation. For those students who are interested in exploring jobs in the policy arena--either in Washington, D.C. or at the state level--the Koch Associate Program is a great place to start.
At the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, we are currently accepting applications for the 2010-11 Koch Associate Program-an elite job opportunity for young professionals who are passionate about free-market ideas and who want to become more effective at advancing liberty throughout their careers. Through the year-long program, which begins in June 2010, Associates work full-time within a free-market think tank, policy institute, or grassroots organization. While most are located here in the D.C. area, I would like to stress that there are also opportunities outside of D.C. at various state-based organizations.
Please forward along this information, as well as our flyer
Thomas Russell
Associate, Marketing and Recruiting
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
1515 N. Courthouse Rd.
Suite #200
Arlington, VA 22201
Remder 11/19 Talk: Politics of Immigration Reform
We wanted to let you know that the second PSA professor lecture of the semester will be by Professor Robin Jacobson. The event is this Thursday, November 19th at 6:30pm in WY 101 and is entitled Interest Groups and the Politics of Immigration Reform.We are wondering if you would be willing to announce the lecture in your classes on Wednesday and Thursday. Be sure to tell the students there will be food!
Here is the description of the lecture:
Interest Groups and The Politics of Immigration Reform
PSA Professor Lecture: Professor Robin Jacobson
Thursday, Nov. 19th at 6:30pm
WY 101
Snacks will be provided!
Interest groups are at the center of the debate over immigration. Groups ranging from ethnic associations, business, religious or environmental organizations, all have something to say about this fraught political issue. In fact, they all have more than something to say, they have multiple and sometimes contradictory positions on the issues. How does the Christian Coalition decide if they want to support expanded access to citizenship for family members in defense of family values or closing the borders in defense of our national sovereignty? Does the Sierra Club support stronger border enforcement to limit population growth in the United States or do they oppose such enforcement because of the potential environmental damage to the border regions? Why does the AFL-CIO at one moment argue to restrict employment of undocumented immigrants and at another tries to organize the undocumented to protect their labor rights? We will explore these and other similar puzzles as we try to get to the bottom of how interest groups set their agendas on the politics of immigration.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Freeman Indonesia Nonprofit Internship Program
The Institute of International Education is pleased to announce the inauguration of an exciting new program. The Freeman Indonesia Nonprofit Internship Program (FINIP), funded by the Freeman Foundation, aims to develop student leaders and strengthen the nonprofit sector in Indonesia. IIE will select and pair 10 Indonesian students pursuing U.S. degrees with 10 U.S. undergraduates and arrange internships for them to work together in an Indonesian nonprofit organization.
The 9-week experience, from June 15 to August 17, 2010, arranged by IIE's partner organization, the Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF), will take place in three cities: Jakarta, Bandung and Yogyakarta. All program-related costs will be covered.
Upon returning to the U.S., students will be expected to share their experiences with peers on their home campuses and to explore ways to incorporate what they learned over the summer into their academic and professional careers.
Interested American and Indonesian sophomores and juniors enrolled in U.S. institutions are encouraged to apply, using the online application at The deadline for submission of completed applications is February 15, 2010.
Please feel free to contact us at or (212) 984-5542 with any questions. More information and a program flyer can be found at the program website at .
We appreciate the assistance of U.S. study abroad advisers, career counseling offices, and international student advisers in disseminating information to eligible sophomores and juniors about this exciting opportunity to further educational exchange between the United States and Indonesia.
Google Internship
Google Policy Fellowship
As lawmakers around the world become more engaged on Internet policy, ensuring a robust and intelligent public debate around these issues becomes increasingly important. That’s why we're announcing our third summer for the Google Policy Fellowship Program—to support students and organizations working on policy issues fundamental to the future of the Internet and its users.
The Google Policy Fellowship program was inspired by Google's Summer of Code with a public policy twist. The Google Policy Fellowship program offers undergraduate, graduate, and law students interested in Internet and technology policy the opportunity to spend the summer contributing to the public dialogue on these issues, and exploring future academic and professional interests.
Program Overview
Fellows will have the opportunity to work at public interest organizations at the forefront of debates on broadband and access policy, content regulation, copyright and trademark reform, consumer privacy, open government, and more. Participating organizations are based in either Washington, DC, San Francisco, CA , Ottawa or Toronto, Canada and include: American Library Association, Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic, Cato Institute, Center for Democracy and Technology, Citizen Lab, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Creative Commons, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Future of Music Coalition, Internet Education Foundation, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Media Access Project, National Hispanic Media Coalition, New America Foundation, Progress and Freedom Foundation, Public Knowledge, and Technology Policy Institute. More information about the host organizations and the areas of focus for the fellows are outlined here.
Fellows will be assigned a lead mentor at their host organizations, but will have the opportunity to work with several senior staff members over the course of the summer. Fellows will be expected to make substantive contributions to the work of their organization, including conducting policy research and analysis; drafting reports and analyses; attending government and industry meetings and conferences; and participating in other advocacy activities.
Who should apply?
We’re looking for students who are passionate about technology, and want to spend the summer diving headfirst into Internet policy. Students from all majors and degree programs who posses the following qualities are encouraged to apply:
* Demonstrated or stated commitment to Internet and technology policy
* Excellent academic record, professional/extracurricular/volunteer activities, subject matter expertise
* First-rate analytical, communications, research, and writing skills
* Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and efficiently, and to work smartly and resourcefully in a fast-paced environment
Fellows will receive a stipend of $7,000 for 10 weeks during the summer of 2010 (June-August). Exact dates of the fellowship will be worked out by the fellow and host organization. Applications are due by midnight on Monday, December 28, 2009. Students who are accepted into the program will be notified by Friday, February 12th, 2010. To learn about our application process, click here.
KUPS wins MTV award--
Fraud, political science, and Puget Sound...what?
In 1993, Moore created a new identity for himself by obtaining a California driver’s license and a new Social Security number in the name of “Bernard Glenn-Moore.” In 2002, Moore used this false name and Social Security number to apply successfully for admission to Claremont Graduate University (“CGU”) in California to pursue a Master’s degree in Public Policy. Also using this false name and Social Security number, Moore applied for and received federal student aid in four disbursements totaling $37,000 for the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 school years. In addition, Moore used this alias to apply for and receive four private student loans from Chase Bank USA, N.A. and Citibank USA, N.A. (“Citibank”) totaling $79,777 in the same years. During the same time period, Moore also used the alias “Bernard Moore” and the same false Social Security number to open with the Stanford Federal Credit Union two Echecking Accounts and a Student Savings Account and to apply for and receive two loans totaling $7,000. In applying for admission to CGU, Moore falsely stated, among other things, that he had received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1970 from the University of Puget Sound under the name KM (when, in fact, Moore’s associate KM had earned that degree and Moore has never received any undergraduate degree) and that “Tracy Cannady” was a reference (when, infact, that was another alias of Moore’s). In his applications for federal student aid, Moore falsely stated, among other things, that he had children he supported and that he had not previously defaulted on any federal student loan. In August 2004, Moore graduated from CGU, under his alias, with a Master of Arts degree in Politics.
Read all the stuff here.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Suave Scholarship
The Sauvé Scholars Program exists for young leaders (30 years old or less) from across the globe who want to change the world. The Scholars are chosen above all on the basis of criteria laid out by the Right Honourable Jeanne Sauvé:
* Initiative
* Motivation
* Vision
* Imagination
* Demonstrated communication skills
* Awareness of international and domestic issues
* A strong desire to effect change
The Sauvé Scholars Program has welcomed 87 Scholars from 44 different countries. Launched in 2003, the Sauvé Scholars Program has evolved from the Jeanne Sauvé Youth Foundation, created in 1991 by the late Jeanne Sauvé, the first woman to serve as Governor General of Canada, the country’s Head of State and Commander-in-Chief.
The Right Honourable Jeanne Sauvé was a woman of strength and vision. Throughout her distinguished career as youth activist, journalist, Minister of the Crown, Speaker of the House of Commons and ultimately Governor General, she remained at the forefront of the most socially progressive issues of her day, and was deeply committed to advancing the role of young leaders.
Each year, up to 14 remarkable young leaders are invited to come to Montreal for the academic calendar year. They live together in a beautifully restored mansion, enjoy unlimited access to McGill University’s academic programs and other resources – including lectures, conferences and events suited to the advancement of their individual professional and intellectual goals – while benefiting from the communal life and multi-faceted exchanges with their fellow Scholars.
The Sauvé experience, a period of personal and professional growth, is founded on:
* Intense exchange of ideas and experience, supported by communal life
* Extensive intellectual freedom, allowing each participant to develop according to his or her needs and aspirations
* Focus on action accompanied by a clear commitment to the community —including the host community
* Commitment to dialogue among cultures, which allows participants to understand and assimilate viewpoints built within multiple frames of reference
11/19 talk: Professor Jacobson on Immigration Reform
PSA Professor Lecture: Professor Robin Jacobson
Thursday, Nov. 19th at 6:30pm
WY 101
Snacks will be provided!
Sponsored by the Political Science Association
Interest groups are at the center of the debate over immigration. Groups ranging from ethnic associations, business, religious or environmental organizations, all have something to say about this fraught political issue. In fact, they all have more than something to say, they have multiple and sometimes contradictory positions on the issues. How does the Christian Coalition decide if they want to support expanded access to citizenship for family members in defense of family values or closing the borders in defense of our national sovereignty? Does the Sierra Club support stronger border enforcement to limit population growth in the United States or do they oppose such enforcement because of the potential environmental damage to the border regions? Why does the AFL-CIO at one moment argue to restrict employment of undocumented immigrants and at another tries to organize the undocumented to protect their labor rights? We will explore these and other similar puzzles as we try to get to the bottom of how interest groups set their agendas on the politics of immigration.
11/18 Brown Bag: Fields on China
Apply: Northwestern University Conference on Human Rights
Apply to NUCHR 2010
"Urban Slums: The Shadow of the Humanitarian Generation"
This academic year, the conference will be held from January 21-24, 2010 at the Northwestern University campus in Evanston, Illinois. Entitled "Urban Slums: The Shadow of the Humanitarian Generation,” the topic will examine the phenomenon of urban slums both locally in the United States as well as abroad. We wish to question whether or not the inhabitants of these slums can be guaranteed human rights, and what the responsibility of the international community as well as state sovereigns are to slum populations. Discussions of the recognition of migrant populations, public health, economic development and national sovereignty will be crucial to the topic.
NUCHR 2010 is seeking 40 high-caliber undergraduate delegates who have an active interest in human rights and the issue of urban slums. Delegates will receive travel reimbursement, hotel accommodations and meals during their stay in Evanston. We expect delegates to actively engage in each activity throughout the conference. Certain events during the conference will be exclusively for delegates including private question and answer sessions with keynote speakers and discussion sections during day two that will involve in-depth exploration of current case studies.
Application Deadline: November 29, 2009
Download the application at
Email completed applications to
Who We Are
The Northwestern University Conference on Human Rights (NUCHR) is dedicated to promoting the universality of human rights, which can only be achieved by recognizing the difficulty in consensus, issues of cultural relativism, and the potential paradoxes in implementation and practice.
Through programming events, seminars, experience trips and the culminating conference, NUCHR raises awareness of international human rights issues and fosters social activism at Northwestern and beyond. The three day undergraduate student-organized conference unites student delegates from across the country with distinguished academics, activists and policy-makers from around the globe to address a unique aspect of human rights each year. We provide a mechanism for critical discourse in order to challenge assumptions and broaden perceptions on the chosen topic.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Summer job in DC with Homeland Security
Looking for the mission of a lifetime?
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security headquarters is seeking motivated students looking to contribute their unique insight, skills and talents to support the important mission of securing the homeland.
Apply now for the 2010 DHS Headquarters Student Summer Employment Program.
Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, November 27.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
New section of P&G 250 opened!
We have opened a second section of P&G 250 for Spring 2010. Professor O'Neil will teach the course on MWF at noon. Professor Haltom's section of 250, also offered at noon, is still on the books. All students who were on the waiting list for Haltom's class have been enrolled in O'Neil's section of the course.
Gilman Scholarships for overseas study
Program Overview
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program offers grants for U.S. citizen undergraduate students of limited financial means to pursue academic studies abroad. Such international study is intended to better prepare U.S. students to assume significant roles in an increasingly global economy and interdependent world.
International experience is critically important in the educational and career development of American students, but it can also require a substantial financial investment. The Gilman Scholarship Program broadens the student population that studies abroad by supporting undergraduates who might not otherwise participate due to financial constraints. The program aims to encourage students to choose non-traditional study abroad destinations, especially those outside of Western Europe and Australia. The Gilman Scholarship Program aims to support students who have been traditionally under-represented in study abroad, including but not limited to, students with high financial need, community college students, students in under-represented fields such as the sciences and engineering, students with diverse ethnic backgrounds, and students with disabilities. The program seeks to assist students from a diverse range of public and private institutions from all 50 states, Washington, DC and Puerto Rico.
Award recipients are chosen by a competitive selection process and must use the award to defray eligible study abroad costs. These costs include program tuition, room and board, books, local transportation, insurance and international airfare.
This congressionally funded program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State and is administered by the Institute of International Education through its Southern Regional Center in Houston, TX.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Course addition for Spring 2010: PG 336 Terrorism
$10k Fellowships to study in Canada
The Killam Fellowships Program provides an opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students from universities in Canada and the United States to spend either one semester or a full academic year as an exchange student in the other country. Students may participate in the program either as a direct exchange student (registering at their home university, paying their home fees, and attend the host university as an exchange visitor) or as a self-placed visiting student (registering at the host university and paying host tuition fees).
The Killam Fellowships Program provides a cash award of $10,000 US ($5,000 US per semester). Further, the Foundation provides all Killam Fellows with an allowance of $500 US to offset health insurance costs. In addition, all Fellows are eligible to apply for a mobility grant in an amount not to exceed $800. The idea of the mobility initiative is to allow students to undertake an educational field trip, providing the Fellows with the opportunity to gain a fuller understanding of the culture of the host country. In exceptional cases, and on a strictly competitive basis, the Foundation may be prepared to offer a modest high-cost allowance. This allowance is available only to those students participating in the direct exchange program.
Approximately forty scholarships will be available for 2010-11. For more information, please select a link from the left panel.
Last minute schedule change in P&G: Terrorism Course
PG 336
This course examines the phenomenon of terrorism on many different dimensions. First, it explores what is meant by the term "terrorism," and the question of "Is one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter?" Next, the class considers why certain groups turn to terror. What do they hope to accomplish and how does terrorism help them achieve their goals? The course then turns to looking at various examples of terrorism and strategies to combat it. Is terrorism best fought like a military conflict or like an international crime? How can states hope to protect themselves? Ethical issues are also addressed, such as how the needs of national security are balanced against the requirements of civil liberties in a free, democratic society. Finally, the course considers the War on Terror itself, analyzing its strategies and tools and assessing its purpose and efficacy.
Prerequisite: PG 102 or 103.
11/19: Talk on Latin America and the left
Reflections on the Shift to the Left
Barry Carr
Visiting professor of Latin American History
University of California, Berkeley
Emeritus professor, La Trobe University
Thursday, November 19 at 4:00 Wyatt 101
Sponsored by Latin American Studies, History, and Politics and Government
for more information, contact John Lear at 879-2792
Monday, November 09, 2009
Summer Intership: Defense Intelligence Agency
The DIA Summer Intern Program
DIA's Summer Intern Program provides promising undergraduate seniors and graduate students the opportunity to gain practical work experience during the summer. While specific intern opportunities vary from year to year based on the Agency’s needs, internships are usually available in the following functional areas: Foreign Area Studies, Computer Science, Legal, Information Assurance, Business Administration, Human Resources, International Relations, Public Administration, Political Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Engineering, or Intelligence Analysis.
This program is open only to those enrolled as full-time degree seeking students at universities and colleges worldwide.
The Agency offers a limited number of paid summer internships. Interns will be appointed for a 10-week period from June through August, 2010 as full-time temporary employees.
To work as a DIA summer intern, you must be granted a security clearance and must successfully pass a Counterintelligence (CI) Scope polygraph examination and drug test, no later than 30 days prior to June 13, 2010. We will not make a final offer of employment to you until you have met all of these requirements.
Please note that the security clearance procesing, CI Scope Polygraph examination and drug test cannot be conducted if you are overseas. Therefore, do not apply to this program if you are studying or working abroad any time in the 6-9 months prior to the summer during which you wish to work as an intern.
As an intern, you will be paid according to the number of college credit hours you have completed. Since this is a temporary appointment, you will not receive employee benefits.
All selected students are responsible for securing their own travel and lodging accommodations.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Summer Language Workshop: Pashto? How about Uzbek?
Summer Workshop in Slavic, East European
and Central Asian Languages
at Indiana University
June 18-August 13, 2010
SWSEEL ClassroomIntensive language training has been offered at the Bloomington campus of Indiana University since 1950. The Summer Workshop provides up to 200 participants in Slavic, East European and Central Asian languages the opportunity to complete a full year of college language instruction during an eight-week summer session.
Russian Language Programs
* Eight-week session, First to sixth year: June 18-August 13 details
* Four-week session, First to sixth year: June 18-July 16 details
East and Central European Languages (June 18-August 13) details
* First year Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian**
* First year Czech*
* First year Hungarian
* First year Macedonian**
* First year Polish*
* First year Romanian**
* Second year Ukrainian
** Tuition will be waived for graduate students specializing in any field of East European studies.
Languages of Central Asia and the Caucasus (June 18-August 13) details
* First and second year Azerbaijani
* First year Georgian
* First and second year Kazakh
* First year Mongolian*
* First year Pashto
* First through Third year Tajik
* First and second year Turkmen
* First through Third year Uyghur
* First and second year Uzbek
* Pending funding
Utilizing the resources of Indiana University's own specialists as well as native speakers from other universities and abroad, the Summer Workshop has developed and maintained a national program of the highest quality. Allowing all participants to pay in-state tuition fees, the program has as its goal the enhancement of speaking, reading, listening and writing skills through classroom instruction and a full range of extra-curricular activities. Fellowships and funding are available.
SWSEEL ClassroomKnowledge of Slavic, East European, and Central Asian languages prepares students for exciting career opportunities in areas such as government, higher education, not-for-profit institutions, public health, law, international development, the military, journalism, environmental issues, the arts and business.
For summer 2010, the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) will fund the teaching of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Macedonian, Polish and Romanian. Tuition for these courses will be waived for graduate students specializing in East European studies in any discipline.
Application Deadline: March 22, 2010; thereafter, rolling admissions. Deadline for consideration for Fellowships is also March 22, 2010.
International Youth Conference, Prague
Greetings from Prague! The 19th International Youth Leadership Conference (January 4th-9th, 2010, Prague) is only 2 months away, and we would like to give you an update on how the conference is developing.
Over 50 participants have already secured their places at the conference. These students represent various universities from 15 different countries, namely Kazakhstan, United States, Singapore, United Kingdom, China, Australia, Netherlands, India, South Africa, Canada, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Viet Nam, Philippines. With new applications coming in each day and accepted participants confirming their spots, we are expecting even more countries to be represented at the conference.
If your students are interested in the opportunity, please encourage them to apply as soon as possible, as the deadlines are approaching and the spots are quickly filled.
Applications can be submitted online at
Conference Team
We are very keen to present the 19th IYLC Facilitators Team, who will be guiding the participants through the week and making sure they get the best out of this opportunity. The facilitators at this conference are Andreas from Norway, Cathy from Australia, Maryna from Belarus, Matt from the UK, Patrick from the US, Rowan from South Africa, Sangeetha from Singapore, Victoria from the UK. We will soon post their bios on the blog.
Conference Agenda
The up-to-date conference schedule can be found on our web-site at To learn more about the subjects we will be discussing and people we will be meeting during the conference, please visit
Regular Updates
As we are trying to limit the number of mass e-mails we send out, we will be posting more news on our blog at We will also be increasing our presence on social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. More information is on our web-site’s homepage.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at
With best regards,
Ismayil Khayredinov
Conference Director
19th International Youth Leadership Conference
tel: +420 272 730 897
Fulbrights get brighter
The tough job market for college seniors and recent graduates has left millions of twentysomethings unemployed or underemployed and looking for work or some other way to occupy their time.
Among the alternatives that appear to be growing in popularity this fall: State Department-sponsored Fulbright fellowships to study, conduct research or teach English in 140 countries.
In all, more than 8,500 people submitted applications to the Institute for International Education (IIE) – the group that oversees student Fulbrights -- for 2010-11 awards ahead of last week’s deadline, a thousand more than applied a year ago. About 1500 student Fulbrights are awarded each year...
Applications coming from the University of the Puget Sound in Tacoma, Wash., tripled from 6 last year to 18 this year. Bowdoin College students and alumni submitted 20 applications last year and 28 this year. Muhlenberg College's applications grew from 5 to 12. Franklin & Marshall College's grew from 5 to 11. Applications from Villanova University grew from 12 last year to 18 this year.
Jane Morris, director of the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships at Villanova and president of the National Association of Fellowships Advisors, said the economy is one reason why applications are up, but also pointed to efforts by the IIE to “get the word out to increase the numbers.” She pointed to more information sessions, better outreach to colleges and a more robust website describing the fellowship as important factors in drumming up applications...
Read the whole thing here.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
ASK Night--PG Alums will be there!
“Building and maintaining professional networks is an essential skill required by employers.”
--Dr. Phil Gardner, the national expert on the college job market
Begin building your network by attending ASK Night 2009 and connecting with P&G alumni:
Melissa Hopkins ‘ 04, Development Specialist for the American Red Cross
Estevan Munoz-Howard ’04, Executive Director of the Youth Media Institute
Joshua McDonald ’02, Government Affairs Coordinator for the Washington Restaurant Association
William Stephens, ’84, Assistant Attorney General for the Attorney General of Washington State
Andrea Tull, ’02, Government Relations Director for MultiCare Health System
Robert Wotton, Jr. ’86, Branch Manager of Sterling Savings Bank
Please join these alumni, and others at:
Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Night 2009
Thursday, Nov. 5: drop by anytime between 7:00 and 8:30 p.m.
Wheelock Rotunda
Light snacks provided.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Intern for Congressman Dave Reichert
We would like to take this opportunity to nominate individuals who are well-suited for this position. We are genuinely interested in recruiting candidates who are interested in policy, and more importantly, who have a desire to serve the United States.
We would appreciate it if you would post, publish and circulate the position announcement. It may be duplicated and distributed as you wish in order to bring it to the attention of students who might be interested and qualified.
I thank you for publicizing this position announcement and informing any persons who might be interested in a new opportunity.
Jasques Imperial
Staff Assistant for Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-08)
Those who would like to volunteer can get a free weekend pass to Wintergrass, the nation’s top winter bluegrass festival, which will take place in Bellevue, WA, February 25-28.
Applications and details are available at
More information about the festival can found at .
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Washington Center Intern Abroad Program
We hope that you'll help us communicate to eligible students on your campus the many benefits of a Washington Center intern abroad program. Students who take part have the opportunity to combine the adventure of a study abroad experience with the practical advantage of interning in an international setting. They'll begin the semester or summer with a ten-day academic seminar in Washington, D.C. before heading to their destination city where they'll complete coursework and a substantive internship.
Our intern abroad program offerings for 2010 include:
Washington, D.C.-Sydney Internship Program (spring, summer)
Washington, D.C.-London Internship Program (summer, fall)
Washington, D.C.-Oxford Internship Program (summer only)
We're extending our deadline for the spring D.C.-Sydney Program until November 13 in order to give students additional time to apply.
If you'd like to find out more about these opportunities, please visit or feel free to contact us at or 202-238-7900 any time! We're also happy to provide you with materials you can distribute on campus to promote the programs.
Please let us know if you, your students or colleagues have questions at any time. Thank you for bringing The Washington Center's intern abroad offerings to the attention of students you believe would be strong candidates.
Heather Hendy
Senior Program Coordinator, Institutional Relations
The Washington Center
Phone: 202-238-7900 or 800-486-8921
Friday, October 30, 2009
Critical Language Scholarship--Summer 2010
scholarship competition for the 2010 Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
Program for overseas intensive summer language institutes in thirteen
critical need foreign languages. The on-line application for CLS Program
awards will be available November 9, 2009, and the deadline to apply will be December 18, 2009.
Critical Language Scholarships (CLS) provide group-based intensive language
instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten
weeks. Students may apply for one language, and will be placed at institute
sites based on language evaluations after selection. The 2010 CLS Program
will include new programs in Indonesian and Japanese.
Levels available for each language are as follows:
*Arabic, Persian: Advanced beginning, intermediate or advanced level;
*Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Turkish, or Urdu: Beginning, intermediate or advanced level;
*Chinese, Japanese or Russian: Intermediate or advanced level.
Students of diverse disciplines and majors are encouraged to apply. While
there is no service requirement attached to CLS Program awards, participants are expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period, and later apply their critical language skills in their future professional careers.
For more information on the CLS Program and the selection process, please
visit If you would like to receive a program
announcement, please email me directly at
Julia Phelan Sylla
Assistant Director
Critical Language Scholarship Program
Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC)
Phone: 202-633-7015
Hot Dog! Elly Henriksen in the China Daily--

Read the whole thing here--
US college life is in full swing and many young adventurous Americans are still telling tales about their overseas experiences. It's not unusual for foreign students to spend a summer in China interning at various companies but selling hot dogs in a Beijing hutong is way off the beaten track.
US college student Elly Henriksen ran the Bar Uno hot dog stand, located in Nanluoguxiang, for the greater part of the summer and is now back home in Washington state to tell the story.
"I got there on June 1, and was pretty much keeping the place running," said Henriksen.
A student at the University of Puget Sound in Washington state, Henriksen was offered the job by an American businessman and alumni of her school.
"My professor called me on my cellphone and told me I had a job prospect in China, and asked if I was interested," said Henriksen. With less than three weeks left before the semester was to end, she scrambled to get her visa and passport in place so she could come to China.
"I was basically told 'you're going to be running a hot dog stand, and you're going to work a lot'," said Henriksen. The stand, which is still running, is open seven days a week, for at least 12 hours each day. Henriksen was in charge of "establishing regular hours, regular prices, doing some of the hiring; we wanted to use an American business model," she said....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Paper Competition; one grand prize---
An International Competition
For Undergraduate Research Papers
This competition is supported by a generous grant from the Metanexus Institute
Students from around the world are invited to submit research papers that will focus on the relationships between technology, the natural world, and human identity or spirit.
Submissions are due no later than June 1, 2010. Send papers to All papers must be written in English and will be evaluated by a blind review process. Cash prizes in the amounts of $1,000, $500 and $250 are available to the top three papers. Winning papers will be published at For more information, call 319 352 8684 or email
Sample Ideas for Papers
The following paper ideas are illustrative of the projects sought by this national paper competition.
Flood Recovery and the Human Spirit: the activation of Social and Spiritual Resources subsequent to the 2008 flood in NE Iowa. This research project is designed to document and analyze the psycho-social and spiritual strategies and processes that enabled (or failed to enable) recovery after the devastating NE Iowa flood in 2008. Data will be collected primarily through interviews with victims of the flood, city officials and area ministers, as well as through visits to sites where recovery efforts are proceeding. Although economic factors will be evaluated as part of the study, the focus of the project will be the affective challenges that confront flood victims and the psychological and spiritual strategies they have used to meet those challenges.
The Effect of Social Networking Technologies on Volunteerism. This research project will document and analyze the effectiveness of social networking technology within the community of Waverly, Iowa, for promoting and organizing volunteerism in response to specific needs: the NE Iowa flood, the destruction caused by hurricane Katrina, and the Feed My Starving Children initiative. Robert Putnam’s analysis of different modes of civic engagement will provide a paradigm or analyzing the kinds of involvement elicited by social networking strategies.
Music and Mood: Seeing the World through an MP3-Player.This project will focus on the effect of music on mood and perception while moving through public spaces. The phenomenon of living inside a private world of sound while moving through public space has become common in contemporary society. This study will seek to understand how both mood and perception of immediate surroundings are affected by continuous music.
The Use of Machine Metaphors for Representing Humans and Society in Shakespeare, the Bronte sisters, Henry James and Kurt Vonnegut. This is an attempt to document through time how the use of machine metaphors to represent humans and society have changed. Electronic searches of those texts that are available in machine readable format, or for which there exist concordances, will be used to facilitate the discovery process.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Wednesday: The Art of Political Murder
Writer/novelist Francisco Goldman
Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2009
4 p.m.
Wyatt Hall, Room 109
A triumphant tale of justice belatedly served in a country where the concept had lost all meaning, of institutional evil unmasked in a place where it had long operated behind a thousand disguises, of plodding police work and personal courage overcoming a culture of impunity and fear.
Goldman will discuss the assassination of a Guatemalan bishop Msgr. Juan Gerardi, whose bludgeoned body was found just days after he and a team of human rights investigators announced the publication of a 1,400-page report blaming Guatemala’s security forces for a 30-year reign of murder, torture, massacres, and disappearances.
Francisco Goldman is a Guatemalan-American journalist, and award-winning novelist. He lives in Mexico City and Brooklyn, New York, and teaches at Trinity College in Connecticut.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Nigerian ambassador and PG alum
PG major George Obiozor ’69, former Nigerian ambassador to the United States, was interviewed in Nigeria’s Daily Champion on Oct. 16. Excerpt:
Speak briefly on the book, "Nigeria and the World, Managing the Politics of Diplomatic Ambivalence Among Nations?"
The issue here is that I will like our people to understand that actually, international diplomacy is not a straight forward game, it's not a picnic, and it's not a pleasure journey. It has to do with, to a great extent, where actors sit on the fence most of the time looking for issues that will indeed put their countries at advantage, which also means putting others at disadvantage.
In other words, they are looking for political, economic and strategic interest of their country by persuading others to yield where they will be strengthened. In fact, if necessary, they may enter to promote conflict, even though they had gone in there to stop the conflict. If it is not in their interest to stop it, they will promote it, but they keep appealing to others on the basis of principle, meanwhile; they are pursuing their interest, regardless of what is happening.
In other words, what I have done in the book is to show that in the study of international relations, you have a constant conflict between power and principle. It has been so for a long time, it will continue and it is so today.
This makes international diplomacy a field of outrageous paradox - selective morality and double standards. You must understand what it takes. It requires pragmatism to know when your interest is at stake, what to give in and what to take, when to retreat and when to move forward. So, this is the issue that is involved in the book.
Many of the articles or lectures I gave in America had to do with Nigerian interests within the international system and then promotion of those interests and then advancing the areas of Nigeria's strength in order to invite our host country and the world, as I said of Washington being almost the centre of diplomacy, and till today, it is still the centre of diplomacy in the world... They have influence, major one, America is still the remaining world power, there is no gainsaying that.
Even though they may have their own problems; they still come first before others in military, strategic position in the world, economic position in the world, diplomatic coverage, that is, actually, political diplomatic spread worldwide. Others come after that, whether you are talking of China... China is moving fast and moving well.
Russia is restoring itself after the Soviet's collapse and they are moving now, but the issue remains: who is number one? And the number one doesn't want to become the number two, so there is a resistance from other competitors. This is the issue, that's what makes America strong or great, because they want to keep their position. It may not be dominant position any more, but it is a preeminent position.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Alum in Ankara
Friday, October 23, 2009
DATE CHANGE 10/26: Afghanistan: Defining the Possibilities
On behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Professor Seth Weinberger invites you to participate in an on-the-record teleconference of "Afghanistan: Defining the Possibilities" with John F. Kerry, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate (D-MA), on Monday, October 26. David E. Sanger, chief Washington correspondent for the New York Times, will preside.
The tele-conference will take plan on Monday, October 26, at 9:30 in WY 226.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Do we matter?
After Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, this month proposed prohibiting the National Science Foundation from “wasting any federal research funding on political science projects,” political scientists rallied in opposition, pointing out that one of this year’s Nobel winners had been a frequent recipient of the very program now under attack.
Yet even some of the most vehement critics of the Coburn proposal acknowledge that political scientists themselves vigorously debate the field’s direction, what sort of questions it pursues, even how useful the research is.
Much of the political science work financed by the National Science Foundation is both rigorous and valuable, said Jeffrey C. Isaac, a professor at Indiana University in Bloomington, where one new winner of the Nobel in economic science, the political scientist Elinor Ostrom, teaches. “But we’re kidding ourselves if we think this research typically has the obvious public benefit we claim for it,” he said. “We political scientists can and should do a better job of making the public relevance of our work clearer and of doing more relevant work.”
Mr. Isaac is the editor of Perspectives on Politics, a journal that was created by the field’s professional organization to bridge the divide after a group of political scientists led a revolt against the growing influence of statistical methods and mathematics-based models in the discipline. In 2000 an anonymous political scientist who called himself Mr. Perestroika roused scores of colleagues to protest the organization, the American Political Science Association, and its flagship journal, The American Political Science Review, arguing that the two were marginalizing scholars who focused on traditional research based on history, culture and archives...
ASK Night
Help your students connect with Puget Sound alumni…please urge your students to attend ASK Night! You can forward the message below to your students.
Why network?
Dr. Phil Gardner, the national expert on the college job market recently visited campus. He emphasized two important issues that students need to know as they prepare to enter the job market:
1. “Building and maintaining professional networks is an essential skill required by employers.”
2. “The primary way employers are hiring is through networking.”
So, you’ll need effective networking skills to find a job. And, once you are employed, you will be expected to network as part of your job. Now is the time to build your professional networks.
Practice your networking skills, and make valuable connections with Puget Sound alumni at:
Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Night 2009
Thursday, Nov. 5: drop by anytime between 7:00 and 8:30 p.m.
Wheelock Rotunda
Light snacks provided.
ASK Night is an opportunity for students to:
· Make contacts/network with alumni professionals in a wide variety of careers
· Connect with and seek advice from alumni
· Hear about what others have done with their Puget Sound education
About ASK Night • List of participants • Networking tips
We’ll see you there! Kris
Communications Coordinator
Career and Employment Services
University of Puget Sound
Stephen Souvall '09, Protests in Peru
I hope all is well in the Department and at UPS! I thought you might find these photos interesting. I spent the past three months in Iquitos, Peru doing a micro credit internship and one day while working I heard a crowd outside.
I went out on the balcony to find a protest for indigenous rights in progress. These protests in Iquitos and throughout Peru's northern rainforests have been relatively common and have sometimes turned violent. They are in response to government action to open up indigenous lands to oil, mining, logging, and agricultural companies.
More information can be found here (scroll down to the second story):
10/27: Examined Life
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Housing better; hotel good
- Hotel Murano ranks 6th in the U.S. in the Condé Nast Traveler: 2009 Readers’ Choice Awards. Read more…
- Tacoma tops the list of the 10 Hard-Hit Housing Markets That Are Ready to Rebound. Read more…
Monday, October 19, 2009
Job Opening in Tacoma, deadline 10/23
Tacoma District Office of U.S. Congressman Adam Smith
Letter of interest & resume with references must be received by October 23rd Attn: Linda Danforth
* mailed to: U.S. Rep. Adam Smith, 2209 Pacific Ave, Suite B, Tacoma, WA 98402 or
* emailed to:
The position starts in November.
Core Responsibilities:
Work with constituents regarding casework including the areas of: Medicare/Social Security, HUD, SBA and the IRS; work on inquiries related to grants and federal procurement including drafting letters of support, making inquiries and sending information regarding new opportunities; coordinate forums relating to the assigned areas; contribute to the Bringing Congress to Your Door program; assist with townhall meetings; and support other functions that help run the office and provide customer service to constituents.
Professional manner; excellent oral and written communication skills; thoroughness and careful attention to detail; ability to exercise discretion and independent judgment; ability to work cooperatively and courteously with others in a fast-paced office; knowledge of the federal agencies and the political process; and compassion and commitment to public service and customer service. Ties to and knowledge of the Ninth Congressional District are desired.
Salary range
$28,000 to $35,000, depending on qualifications and experience, with Federal employee benefits.
The office of Congressman Adam Smith is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Qualified applicants are considered for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status.
Upcoming Talk: Professor DeMotts, "Soccer Fans on Safari"
We wanted to first let you know that one of your own, Professor Rachel DeMotts, is giving a lecture this Thursday, October 22 at 7:30pm in WY 101 entitled, Soccer Fans on Safari: The 2010 World Cup and the South African Wilderness. Secondly, we are wondering if you would be willing to announce the lecture in your classes on Wednesday and Thursday. Be sure to tell the students there will be food!
Here is the description of the lecture:
Many conservationists in southern Africa are gearing up to attract soccer tourists arriving for the 2010 World Cup to national parks around the region, especially in South Africa. But what are the local consequences of thousands of fans showing up for soccer matches and then visiting national parks? Who will benefit from this increased tourism, and how is the opportunity for "football and zebras" being marketed?
Thank you for your support!
Lindsay, Heidi, and Katie
Friday, October 16, 2009
For your consideration
Political science, even at its best, has few, if any, redeeming aesthetic qualities. We do not offer beautiful theories of how the cosmos came to be; our prose is at best serviceable; if our diagrams convey the meaning they are supposed to and no more, then they have done their job. That means that political science has to justify itself on the pragmatic grounds of its usefulness. But much of political science is not only ugly, but not especially useful. It doesn’t say anything that non-political scientists might possibly care about knowing.
The implication is that political scientists need not only to think about how best to convey what they do to the public; they need to think about doing what...ought to be so conveyed. This is not to say that political science needs to be in the business of pleasing the crowd; many of the truths that political science might want to convey might indeed be somewhat unpleasant to the sensibilities and prejudices thereof. But it needs to see itself as making a useful contribution to public discourse.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Go north, young freshman
...for some teenagers, Canada might offer a wonderful opportunity.
It has for Jocelyn Berkowitz. At a college fair last year, the 17-year-old was looking for an affordable school with a top-notch art history program -- but she wanted to get out of California. Berkowitz walked up to a University of Alberta table and saw it seemed to have everything she wanted...
Alberta's total costs of $21,500 (U.S.) for tuition, room and board and fees exceed the $18,000 bill Jocelyn would have faced at Humboldt State University, her backup school. But they're significantly less than at the two other schools she considered: Penn State, where she would have paid $28,600, and the University of Puget Sound, where her total costs, even with a scholarship, would have been about $36,000.
(insert snarky comment about Canada here, preferrably with some jibe about hockey)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Puget Sound blasts off
NASA crashed two probes into the moon this morning in an attempt to find water. The University of Puget Sound (Wash.) must be eagerly awaiting the results, considering their admissions office began a recruiting campaign in that region over the summer.
The university had a toe hold in the area through an incoming freshman’s father—American astronaut John Phillips.
Phillips admitted his daughter Alli last fall and volunteered to take the college’s baseball cap with him on the Space Shuttle Discovery’s April 2009 flight to the International Space Station...
The college is getting some earthly good out of this by posting the space photo on its Facebook page and in alumni magazine Arches. So far though, no new enrollment queries have come in from the virgin territory.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
How the mighty are fallen--Harvard profs toss their cookies
By Harvard standards, these are hard times. Not Dickensian hard times, perhaps, but with the value of its endowment down by almost 30 percent, the world’s richest university is learning to live with less.
Read the tragedy here.
DOE Fellowship Program
The Office of Science
Graduate Fellowship Program
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) has established the DOE Office of Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE SCGF) program to provide support for outstanding students to pursue graduate degrees and research in areas of physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, computational sciences and environmental sciences relevant to the Office of Science, and to encourage the development of the next generation scientific and technical talent in the U.S.
Fellows will receive a $35,000 yearly stipend for living expenses, $10, 500 per year for tuition and fees and a $5,000 research stipend supplement for research materials and travel expenses. Fellows will be required to attend the annual DOE SCGF Research Conference to be held each summer at a DOE national laboratory. Travel expenses and accommodations to the Conference will be provided by the DOE SCGF program.
For more information about the program, eligibility, benefits and application visit
The DOE SCGF program is managed by the DOE Office of Science’s Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) and administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE).