Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jobs for Seniors: US PIRG

As a graduating senior you are no doubt trying to decide what you will do next year, or even for the next 5 years. I want to let you know more about opportunities in the public interest field.


U.S.PIRG is a federation of state-based public interest advocacy groups. This year we are hiring 100 graduating college students to determine where this country is going: to solve our energy problems; to reform the campaign finance system; to safeguard individuals from identity theft; to fight hunger and homelessness; and make an impact on many other public interest issues.

We will be accepting applications for next year's campus organizer and fellowship programs until April 1, 2008. I invite you to apply by sending a cover letter and resumé to cspivey@pirg.org.

For more information I invite you to check out our website.

Colleen Spivey
U.S. PIRG Recruitment Department
44 Winter St. 4th floor
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 747-4421 (o)
(202) 997-5461 (c)
(617) 292-8057 (f)