We've had an alum do GYC in Africa, so if you have questions let me know--Prof. O'Neil
Global Youth Connect - American Youth Activists (ages 18-30) for Iraqi Refugee Solidarity Initiative - USA / Jordan
We are currently seeking applications from American youth activists (ages 18-30) who are interested in participating in an Iraqi Refugee Solidarity Initiative. Ten U.S. participants will be selected to join in the program activities described below and will work together with Iraqi and Jordanian youth over a period of six months to help address the Iraqi refugee crisis in Jordan. We greatly appreciate your help in getting the word out to people wh! o might be interested in this unique opportunity.
Det ailed program and application information can be found on our website: www.globalyouthconnect.org/participate.
Application deadline: March 21, 2008
Program Activities: This joint initiative will bring together 30 youth (ages 18-30) from Iraq, Jordan and the U.S. with the goal of better understanding the root causes of the crisis, placing it within a larger regional and global context, and identifying concrete ways in which they can take steps towards addressing the situation. The initiative will take place over a 6-month period, incorporating a series of distinct yet interconnected elements, including: a peer learning community in Jordan, community engagement and outreach, and an evaluation and reflection retreat.< br>
Peer Learning Community
July 25 - August 18, 2008
The first phase of the initiative will bring together 30 participants from Iraq, Jordan and the U.S. (10 from each country) for three weeks in Amman, Jordan. As part of a peer learning community, participants will engage in dialogue, build skills in conflict transformation and human rights activism, and engage in a joint fieldwork project and action planning.
Community Engagement & Outreach
August 19, 2008 - January 2, 2009
After the initial three-week learning community in Jordan, participants will spend several months organizing creative, follow-up activities in their own communities to address the Iraqi refugee crisis.
Evaluation & Reflection Retreat
January 3-4, 2009
At the end of the program, participants will once again come together to evaluate and reflect on their action efforts, reconnect with o! ther participants and identify next steps. For U.S. participants, this weekend program will take place at a retreat center in upstate New York.
Program Costs: While GYC and its partner organizations in Jordan will help underwrite the costs of this program, U.S. participants will be expected to contribute and/or fundraise $2,500 to help cover the costs of running this program. In addition to this, participants will need to cover their international airfare and some other expenses associated with their participation in the program. Please see detailed information and fundraising guide available on our website for more information: www.globalyouthconnect.org/participate.