Thursday, March 13, 2014


Match Education is looking for top seniors from elite colleges across the country to apply for one of our fellowship programs working with students in either Boston or Chicago.

If you have students who are interested in the opportunities below, please pass along the following information to them.  

Match Teacher Residency (Boston) 
100% of recent college graduates who go through our teacher residency program go on to teach in high-performing urban charter schools after their year with us. Residents spend their year tutoring, studying, and receiving constant feedback about their practice teaching
· Learn more and apply by visiting our website: MTR Website
· Read this EdWeek article highlighting the effectiveness of MTR: MTR Article
· See where our residents teach: MTR Placement Directory

Match Corps Fellowship 
Our one-year urban education fellowship opportunities in Boston and Chicago are designed for top recent college graduates who are looking to get into education (but not teach), transition into a career at a non-profit organization, work in education policy or take a gap year before going on to medical, law, or other grad school programs. Fellows work closely with a small group of students for an entire year. Boston Fellowship
· Learn more and apply by visiting our website: Match Corps: Boston Website
· Learn what it's like to be a part of Match's Community: The Match Bunch (video)
· See what our fellows do after their fellowship year: Match Corps Alumni Directory

Chicago Fellowship 
 · Learn more and apply by visiting our website: Match Corps: Chicago Website
 · You can learn more about the program, its results, and why the City of Chicago is committed to expanding the program in the '14-15 school year by following the links below: o New York Times Article
 · City of Chicago Press Release o Chicago Sun Times o Chicago Tonight (video)
· You can also learn more by watching this video: Match Corps: Chicago Video

Thank you for your help in advancing Match's mission of preparing our students for success in college and beyond. Please get in touch with any questions.
Best, Trish Borrell --
Patricia Borrell Match Corps Recruitment
Match Corps: Boston VIII