Thursday, January 17, 2008

Asia Wright '04: Law and the Sea

A while back I got an update from Asia Wright '04, who is finishing up law school and looking toward a career on/at/with the sea. She writes:

There is a popular saying that during the first year of law school they scare you to death. The second year they work you to death. However they lied about boring you to death during the third year. I feel my last year at school is still part of the work you to death portion. But I’ve loved every minute of it.

This year, even though busy and full, has been very exciting. I love being back at home in Lakebay and working in the legal department at Holland America’s Seattle head office (I don’t love the 160 mile round trip commute). In January my law article on cruise ships and the environment will be published in the Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum law journal. And I’m certainly never bored working on million dollar ship contracts or representing the company in passenger small claims suits (I just won my first case). Time is simply flying. It’s crazy to think that in 7 months I will be done with school, finished with the bar exam, and finally ready to start my life out in the big world.

Best wishes for the rest of your schooling!