We had wonderful weather this weekend for graduation, and as always, Saturday the Department held its own ceremony for majors and minors. In addition, we bid farewell to Professor Carlo Bonura (pictured above), who leaves Puget Sound for Oxford--a step down, no doubt, but we imagine he'll make the most of that unfortunate situation. See more photos here; with more to follow. If you've got a picture of your own from the event you'd like to add, please send it along!
Congratulatons, all!
A list of the senior theses this year (an asterisk denotes that the paper won the award for best paper(s) in the seminar):
American Politics: Professor David Sousa
Jena Beauchene, “Changing Environmental Policy Through Controversial Collaboratives”
Andrew Bourdon, “Think Tanks & Social Security: How Ideology, Information, and Framing Have Polarized Congress”
Giorgio Cafiero, “The Impact of Supreme Court Appointments on Doctrinal Change: Prospects After the 2008 Elections”
Franny Chiles, “The Politicization of the EPA in the Bush Administration”*
Seth Doherty, “A Pandora’s Box of Mobilization and Education:
The Long Term Political Impact of the 1992 Anti-Gay Rights Initiative Campaigns in Oregon and Colorado”
Hart Edmonson, “The American Immigration Policy Debate: Hostilities Unearthed, Congressional Politics Unraveled, and Solutions Offered Through Elite Interviewing in My Border Home Town”
Cat Fish, “Political Dynasties and the American Presidency: A Paradox of Democratization”
Scottland Glenn, “Shaping Supreme Court’s Agenda from the Bench:
The Effects of Dissent and Concurrences to the Denial of Certiorari”
Nelson Moody, “Gender Gap? An Analysis of Sector Totals for Senate Campaign Receipts, 1998 to 2008”
Mychal Okuhara, “Preserving the Trust of Viewers Like You: The
Role of Money and Professional Culture in Public Broadcast Television”*
Justine Shepherd, “Dethroning Incumbents: The Nationalization of House Elections”
Steven Sparks, “Does Gender Matter? Measuring the Use of Negative Political Television Advertising in the United States House of Representatives Elections of 2004”
International Relations: Professor Lisa Ferrari
Finding A Place for `The Other? : Turkey's Quest for European Union Membership, Kathryn Brown
Globalization and the Erosion of National Sovereignty: Why Kant's Ideal is now becoming a Necessity, David Childs
Learning to Earn the Participation Grade: Trust and Accountability between IFIs and their Poorest Stakeholders, Ian Kitts
Millennium Development Goals: An International Failure, Jade Riotto
Non-Governmental Organizations: International Response and Influence during Humanitarian Crisis Situations, Janine Roddey
Sex Trafficking in Thailand: Economic Development At All Costs, Vanessa Rubinstein
NATO: an Obsolete Institution under Investigation, Parker Sammons
Social Change NGOs and the Private Sector: The Increasing Need for Partnership, Lauren Shatz
Brazil, Indonesia, and Russia: A Competition in Development, Ian Westgate
The Ethics of Global Health Initiatives: An Agent-Centered Approach to Universal Rights with Practical Applications, Emma Green (Natural Science – Biology major, P&G minor)*
International Regulation of Cyber Crime, Katarina Jones (Special Interdisciplinary Major, P&G minor)
Comparative Politics: Professor Patrick O'Neil
Valerie Koch, "Exploring Islamist Separatism"