Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Kari Manlove '06: DC opportunites, Center for American Progress

Thanks for Kari for thinking of us. A great place to intern as well--that's how Kari got her start at CAP:

Hi Professor,

So, I'm always trying to get UPS students to either intern here at CAP, with Campus Progress or the think-tank, or check out jobs here. If you don't mind, I try to send e-mails whenever I remember it may be good timing. Anyway, if there are any students graduating in December, at semester, and looking to come out to DC afterwards, this is an ideal time to look at jobs (even though I know it coincides with finals), and there are a handful of entry-level assistant positions open at CAP. The webpage is here: http://www.americanprogress.org/aboutus/jobs. For example, we're looking for a Fellows Assistant (what I do but diff. boss) on climate strategy, and special assistants to the Econ team, the Development team, the Executive VP of policy, and I do believe an Executive Assistant to John Podesta shortly. CAP is a great organization to get your foot in the door, especially as the election gears up. I guess I'm just so eager for a UPS student to take interest in CAP because it's a great starting off place.
