Thursday, September 08, 2016

Cascade Climate Network Convergence & environmental justice

The Environmental Campus Outreach (ECO) Club is hosting the Fall 2016 Cascade Climate Network (CCN) Convergence at the University of Puget Sound during the weekend of November 11-13th. The Cascade Climate Network is a network of environmentally focused groups from universities around the Northwest. This year the focus of the convergence will be environmental justice. In addition to inviting you to attend, we invite you to give us your input as we plan the weekend. After speaking with some trainers, we’ve outlined a few possible workshops for the convergence. If you would like to see a specific workshop held or have different ideas please let us know. Below are the possibilities, based on trainings held previously around the country.

· Alliances and Coalition Building
· How to Make Your Campus Group Reach Campus-wide
· Social Media for Social Change
· Know Your Rights: The Essential Activist Legal Primer
· Setting up & Improving Your Group’s Structure
· Avoiding Activist Burnout: Cultivating our Collective Resiliency
· Decolonize Your Activism
· Anti-Oppression 101 (focuses on getting everyone on the same page with terminology)

In addition, we invite you to suggest any possible trainers to run these workshops. We encourage participation during any and all workshops of interest and throughout the weekend of November 11-13th. If you would like to register for the event please do so here: