On behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR), Professor Seth Weinberger invites you to participate in the final
session of the CFR Winter/Spring 2012 Academic Conference Call series
on Wednesday, April 25, from 9:00 AM to 10:00
AM in WY 326. Blake Clayton, CFR's fellow for energy and national
security, will discuss energy dependence.
Dr. Clayton joined CFR from Louis Capital
Markets, where he was a senior commodities analyst and head of oil
research. He was a special assistant to the late Matthew R. Simmons,
founder and chairman emeritus of Simmons & Company International,
with whom he worked on launching Ocean Energy Group, a venture capital
firm and think tank focused on early-stage energy innovation. Dr.
Clayton is a member of the Center for National Policy's energy security
working policy group and was previously a researcher
at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.
If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP to Professor Weinberger at
sweinberger@pugetsound.edu as soon as you can. Also, here are some recommended readings…
1) "An Anti-Speculative Frenzy," Energy, Security, and Climate, Blog, Council on Foreign Relations, April 12, 2012.
2) Blake Clayton, "In Defense of Oil Speculators," ForeignAffairs.com, April 9, 2012.
3) Melissa Bert and Blake Clayton, "Addressing
the Risk of a Cuban Oil Spill," Policy Innovation Memorandum No. 15,
Council on Foreign Relations, March 2012.
4) Michael Levi, "The Driller in Chief," Foreign Policy, March 1, 2012.
Hope to see you on Wednesday!
Seth Weinberger