Monday, November 28, 2011

Hertog Program

From: John Walters []
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 1:21 PM
To: Seth Weinberger
Subject: 2012 Hertog Program Invitation

The Hertog Program is designed to allow exceptional students a rigorous look at the theory and practice of politics. In the heart of the nation's capital, on the campus of George Washington University, Hertog Fellows study classic trexts in political thought such as Plato's Republic, Machiavelli's Prince, and some of the seminal documents of American politics with an outstanding faculty. In addition, students study selected public policy issues with some of those who helped formulate and implement those policies.

The 2012 Hertog Program will have two parts each consisting of three sections of 15 students each:

1) The Hertog Summer Seminar is a full-scholarship, six-week program in the theory and practice of politics. In addition to the study mentioned above, students will hear from approximately 20 outside speaker from the world of political affairs- public officials, public policy analysts, and writers on politics and policy. Our speakers will include Bill Kristol, Juan Williams, David Brooks, and Charles Krauthammer. The Summer Seminar will begin June 11th and end July 20th. All students admitted will receive a full scholarship and a $3,000 stipend.

2) The Hertog Summer Fellowship is a new, two-week, full-scholarship program focusing on a single topic in political thought or area of public policy. While the Sumnmer Seminar program is designed for all undergraduateas, the Summer Fellowship is open to upper-level undergraduates and recent college geraduates. For 2012, our there se3ctions weill be devoted to foreign policy, democratice capitalism, and the futer of the welfare state, and tocqueville's Democracy in America. The Summer Fellowship will begin on July 23rd and end on August 3rd and each sutudent admitted will receive a full scholarship and a $1,000 stipend.

Interested students should contact either Professor Alisa Kessel ( or Professor Seth Weinberger (

John P. Walters


Hertog Political Studies Program
