We hope to offer this internship again next summer, so if what you hear below sounds attractive, drop me a note or come by once the school year begins.
My internship at the United States Merchant Marine Academy is coming to close, and I wanted recap some of the highlights of my several months here. On June 18th 2007 the academy held its annual commencement exercises. This was really the big event of my internship, as I had been helping to assemble guest lists and in preparation of the logistical nightmare which is a graduation ceremony, but which is made even worse by the attendance of Senator John S. McCain, Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters, and Maritime Administrator Sean T. Connaughton. My primary task during this time was managing a guest list of about 700 VIPs who were invited to the ceremony and a luncheon following, but as an intern I was also given the opportunity to help with a large amount of random tasks.
The ceremony was a very successful and while there were a few hitches the critiques were overwhelmingly positive. The ceremony was moving, it is hard to go into detail, but Midshipmen wear the uniforms of the service into which they are entering (they have a choice between all services upon graduation) and during the ceremony those going into each service rose to take their respective oaths of service. Senator John McCain delivered an excellent commencement speech and the graduates threw their hats into the air. The only thing missing from the ceremony was the flyover by Navy Jets, which was unfortunately denied due to Navy disciplinary policy (pilot had apparently done an unauthorized flyover of a Mets game). I fear I have not done the ceremony justice in my description, but Midshipmen work with little break from the time they enter the academy to reach graduation, so to say that they were excited to graduate would be a gross understatement.

Following graduation there was a short break, and then on July 5th 2007 the freshmen (Plebe) class arrived. They were met with haircuts and drill instructors. Part of what makes this phase (indoctrination) remarkable is that the drill instructors are comprised entirely of upper-classmen with only limited Marine Corps supervision. Although my role in the indoctrination phase was small, witnessing it was certainly an experience. Parents drop their kids off, listen to a welcoming speech by the Superintendent of the academy and then are promptly escorted off campus. This two and a half week “orientation” phase is meant to instill discipline and etiquette into the plebe candidates and introduce them to the academy. I found myself invited to do PT with them in the mornings, but sadly only participated several times, primarily because waking up at 0530 was not on my schedule. To say the least it was not quite the same as I remember my first week of school at UPS.

My last day here at Kings Point is this Friday, and I will certainly miss this place. UPS has a beautiful campus, but its hard to beat this prime waterfront property here along the Long Island Sound. My final task during my stay here is to develop an intern succession plan, so it is my hope that this may be an annual experience for UPS students so that a closer relationship may be attained between the United States Merchant Marine Academy and the University of Puget Sound. In my short time here I have witnessed the end of one class’s time at Kings Point, and the beginning of another. It has been quite remarkable. That being said, I look forward to returning to UPS and the great Pacific Northwest, following several great months in Kings Point.

Torey Holderith
Class of 2009