Thursday, October 28, 2010
November 3: Invisible Children event--
My name is Sarah Webb and I am one of the presidents of the Invisible Children club on campus. Our group is focused on raising awareness and funds for the child soldier situation in Uganda. On November 3rd at 6:30 pm we are hosting an event with guest speakers in Kilworth Chapel. Members of the national branch of Invisible Children will be there to show a brief documentary and then talk about the political situation in Uganda--specifically about the Lord's Resistance Army and its use of child soldiers. There will also be a Ugandan student there to discuss his personal experiences with the issue. If you could please pass this message on to your classes, that would be great! Thank you!
Sarah Webb
Project Lead- Sustainability Services
Co-President- Invisible Children Club
11/10: Council on Foreign Relations Conference Call
On Wednesday, November 10, from 9 – 10 AM, Professor Weinberger will be hosting the next Council on Foreign Relations conference call. The topic of the call is Women in Economic and Political Development, and the speaker will be Isobel Coleman, Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy, Director of the Program on Markets and Democracy, and Director of the Women and Foreign Policy Program at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Please RSVP to Professor Weinberger ( as soon as possible if you would like to attend.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Federal Internship Resources
Capital Semester in DC
The final application deadline for the spring 2011 program is November 1, 2010. This is a great opportunity for students looking to gain real-world experience while earning transferable credit.
Please consider forwarding the announcement below to students who may be interested in applying.
Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions, please contact me at or 202.986.0384.
Dana Faught
Coordinator, Recruitment and Admissions
U.S. Programs
The Fund for American Studies
January 12 – April 30, 2011
Georgetown University , Washington , DC
Spring 2011 Application Deadline: November 1, 2010
Sponsored by The Fund for American Studies, the Capital Semester program combines a substantive professional experience in public policy, international affairs or economics for 25 hours a week with a challenging academic experience at Georgetown University. This fast-paced, fifteen-week residential program provides students from around the world with opportunities to gain an edge in today’s competitive job market and graduate school admissions, and experience the excitement of Washington first-hand.
- Aerospace Industries Association
- American Legislative Exchange Council
- Children’s Rights Council
- Congressional Offices
- Eastman Kodak
- First Book
- Foreign Embassies
- Institute for World Politics
- New Leaders for New Schools
- Philanthropy Roundtable
- U.S. Department of Education
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of the Treasury
- Internships – Competitive placements with government agencies, congressional offices, public policy groups, international affairs organizations and nonprofit organizations
- Classes – 12 credit hours in political science and economics and from Georgetown University
- Housing – Roommate matching and f urnished Capitol Hill apartments in the heart of D.C.
- Guest Lectures – With Washington’s top policy and economics experts
- Exclusive Briefings – At the World Bank, State Department, Pentagon and Federal Reserve
- Leadership & Professional Development – Leadership, mentoring and career building activities
- Networking – Interaction with seasoned professionals and student leaders from around the world
- Scholarships – Generous scholarships are awarded based on merit and financial need
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the final application deadline of November 1. Details about the program and an online application may be found at Questions may be directed to Dana Faught, Recruitment and Admissions Coordinator, at or 202.986.0384.
1706 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20009
Career Fair October 27!
To Politics & Government Faculty:
Please encourage your students to attend the Career Fair Wednesday, Oct. 27, from 4-7:00 p.m. in WSC Marshall Hall. Even first-year students can benefit from walking through and checking it out.
Many Career Fair employers are interested in hiring Puget Sound students regardless of their major. Students who keep their options open and investigate all available opportunities might be pleasantly surprised by what they learn about how these organizations hire talent. Career Fair employers say it best:
“Our ideal candidate is driven, enthusiastic and able to handle multiple tasks in a fast-paced atmosphere” Enterprise Rent-A-Car
“There is no right or wrong major to chart a career with the National Park Service--it's all about your desire to protect and preserve America's special places for future generations.” Olympic National Park
“Wanted: responsible & motivated individuals with a strong interest in Japan, who enjoy working with people, especially youth.” JET (Japan Exchange & Teaching) Program
Additionally, there are a few organizations attending the Career Fair that may be of particular interest to politics and government students:
AmeriCorps: A chance to apply your skills and ideals toward helping others and meeting critical needs in the community. Each year, AmeriCorps offers 75,000 opportunities for adults of all ages and backgrounds to serve through a network of partnerships with local and national nonprofit groups.
Federal Bureau of Investigation: As a threat-based and intelligence-driven national security organization, the mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners.
JET (Japan Exchange & Teaching) Program seeks to enhance internationalization by promoting mutual understanding between Japan & other nations. The program encourages foreign language & culture exchange by inviting foreign representatives to live and work in Japan for a year.
Olympic National Park protects almost one million acres of unique natural and cultural environments and is 95% Wilderness. There is no right or wrong major to chart a career with the National Park Service--it's all about your desire to protect and preserve America's special places for future generations.
Peace Corps: Volunteers* work in over 70 countries around the world in the fields of education, health and HIV/AIDS, business, IT, the environment, agriculture and youth development. *Peace Corps ”Volunteers” are not without financial support.
Port of Seattle plays a key role in bringing international trade, transportation and travel to the Pacific Northwest, and supports industries as diverse as tourism and commercial fishing.
Social Security Administration is ranked one of the “Best Places to Work in Federal Government” and the “Most Improved Agency” of 2010. Working to deliver Social Security services that meet the changing needs of the public, the agency looks to hire a talented and diverse workforce.
Tahoma Audubon Society is a member-based non-profit organization serving Pierce County whose mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. TAS offers environmental education classes for youth and adults, field trips, volunteer habitat restoration opportunities, and advocate for a variety of conservation campaigns at local and state levels.
The Student Conservation Association (SCA) provides college and high school-aged members with hands-on conservation service opportunities in virtually every field imaginable, from tracking grizzlies through the Tetons to restoring desert ecosystems and teaching environmental education at Washington, D.C.’s Urban Tree House.
For a complete listing of organizations that are attending, visit the Fall 2010 List of Career Fair Employers.
Wondering what to expect? Read the CESblogs post Calling all Loggers! Come to the Career Fair!
Kris HayCommunications Coordinator
Career and Employment Services
University of Puget Sound
Monday, October 18, 2010
Finding Federal Jobs
This month I attended training to learn how to coach students to find federal job and internship opportunities. Going in, I had no idea there were so many possibilities with the federal government. After learning the government is projected to fill 50,000 entry-level jobs and 60,000 paid internships in the next 12 months (see below for next week’s webinar on internships), I wondered why more students weren’t applying.
In training I realized why – finding the opportunities is complicated!
Read more here.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Institute for Leadership in Americas January Course in Chile
The Institute for Leadership in the Americas offers an International Academic Institute, and the University of the Andes, in Santiago, Chile, from January 10-21, 2010. Given our schedule, students could do the course over our break and return in time for spring semester classes. The institute focuses on political theory and economics, and features a number of interesting guest lecturers. It is open to undergraduates, and most accepted students receive financial support. More information is available at
January 10 - 21, 2011
Experience Santiago, Chile in a unique educational environment with students from throughout Latin America and the United States.
The Institute for Leadership in the Americas (ILA) features a two week academic program in Santiago, Chile that will focus on economics, political theory and the bases for the rule of law and institutional governance.
Chile has been called "an oasis of progress" in South America for its economic growth and political stability. Students will gather in Chile's beautiful capital city of Santiago to study the foundations for Chile's "economic miracle" and to learn about the political and economic necessities of a free society.
Students are encouraged to develop their leadership abilities by applying these concepts to institutions in their home countries. Students from a wide range of nationalities and ethnicities have a chance to interact, learn and share their experiences in ways that will benefit their educational and professional development.
All lectures will be conducted in English, and will include students from Latin America and the U.S.
Participants will experience the following:
* Attend lectures from top professors in the fields of Economics, Political Theory and Comparative Systems of Government
* Participate in presentations by visiting experts from government, think tanks, nonprofit foundations and the private sector
* Enjoy field trips to historical sites, government and academic institutions
* Facilitate open discussions among peers to debate contemporary issues and build lasting relationships
Students who complete the ILA program graduate into a network of nearly 10,000 TFAS alumni who live in over 100 countries around the globe. Graduates of TFAS Institutes have discovered this vast network opens doors that lead to life-changing opportunities throughout the world.
For more information, contact Jon Perdue at or Brigit Moore at
Come “Live and Learn” in Chile this January!
Summer 2011 Federal Internships
The webinar will be broadcast in Wyatt 201 from 2-3 PM on Wednesday, October 20.
Thank you!
Sue Dahlin
Assistant Director for Career Advising
Career and Employment Services
University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St. #1081
Tacoma, WA 98416-1081
p 253.879.3161
f 253.879.2927
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Green Corps
Today, the state of our environment is a household issue: global warming is in the news every day, students across the country are rallying to green their campuses, celebrities are speaking out for a host of causes, and schoolchildren are asking why the adults have let these things happen. This increased visibility and cultural awareness creates an enormous opportunity for environmentalists; it’s our best chance ever to engage the public to push for solutions.
Engaging people -- taking public concern and translating it into action -- is the work of organizers.
Green Corps’ Field School for Environmental Organizing trains college graduates to run environmental campaigns, starting by building a core group of activists and finishing by convincing decision-makers to pass laws, change policies and create reforms to protect our environment. But Green Corps is more than a school – it’s a real-world endeavor. Trainees start working on campaigns from the start of their education. They make a difference, starting on Day 1.
Green Corps' one-year, full-time, paid Field School for Environmental Organizing includes intensive classroom training, hands-on field experience running urgent environmental and public health campaigns, and career placement in positions with leading environmental groups.
If you want to gain the skills to run a campaign to stop global warming, defend old growth forests from corporate logging companies, or start your own environmental group, apply to Green Corps' 2011-2012 Field School for Environmental Organizing.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Senior Seminars in Political Theory!
Starting this spring, Professor Kessel will offer a senior seminar in political theory every year. The seminars, PG 440 and PG 441, will be cross-listed as upper division courses in political theory. Each will be offered biannually, and the courses will alternate. Students can enroll for either upper division or senior seminar credit.
This spring, Professor Kessel will teach PG 349/PG 440 (Machiavelli). In 2011-2012, she will teach PG 341/PG 441 (Liberalism and Its Critics); in 2012-2013, she will teach PG349/PG440 again, and so on. Juniors can enroll in PG 349 for upper division credit this spring, and then take PG 441 to fulfill the senior seminar requirement next year. Since the content of the courses will differ, juniors are encouraged to take PG 349 if they wish; this will not preclude them from enjoying a unique senior seminar next year. Seniors can enroll in PG 440 this spring.
With this arrangement, political theory majors will be able to complete the seminar in political theory as seniors. Perhaps even more important, the classes will achieve a large enough enrollment to ensure that conversations are lively and diverse.
If you have questions, please contact Professor Kessel at
Reminder: Northwestern University Conference on Human Rights (NUCHR)
NUCHR 2011 is seeking high-caliber undergraduate delegates with an active interest in human rights and forced migration for this year's conference Human Rights in Transit: Issues of Forced Migration!
NUCHR 2011:
The eighth annual Northwestern University Conference on Human Rights (NUCHR) is proud to announce a national student conference entitled Human Rights in Transit: Issues of Forced Migration, which will take place on Northwestern's Evanston campus on January 20-23, 2011. This year’s conference will focus on forced migration across borders. We hope to utilize this theme to analyze the role of borders on the universality of human rights, and more specifically to discuss the obligation of the country of origin and the host country to protect and preserve the rights of migrants. Speakers and delegates will examine forced migration from the perspective of multiple actors to highlight all who are affected by this phenomenon. We hope to question responsibility in the application of human rights (i.e. who is obligated to ensure the rights of refugees and what measures of enforcement do and should exist). Through our case study panel that will explore the issues of migration across the US-Mexico border, panelists will be asked to challenge conventional definitions of refugees and forced migration while examining human rights violations in our own country. Finally, delegates will break up into small groups throughout the three-day conference to discuss specific case studies of forced migration and apply the framework developed by the panels of the conference to these individual scenarios.
How to Apply:
Fill out this form and send the appropriate information to by November 1st, 2011 to apply to be a delegate at NUCHR 2011. You can also visit our website at!
Chosen delegates will receive a travel stipend, hotel accommodations, and meals during their stay in Evanston. We expect delegates to actively engage in each activity throughout the conference. Certain events during the conference will be exclusively for delegates, including private question-and-answer sessions with keynote speakers and discussion sections with in-depth exploration of case studies.
About NUCHR:
NUCHR, the largest undergraduate student-organized conference on human rights in the United States, is dedicated to promoting the universality of human rights while recognizing the difficulty in consensus, issues of cultural relativism, and the potential paradoxes in implementation and practice. This three-day summit unites student delegates from across the country with renowned activists, academics, and policy makers, but is also free and open to the public. In the past, the conference has explored such issues as the misapplication of humanitarian aid, human trafficking, American policy towards HIV and AIDS in the developing world, and American interventionist policy abroad. NUCHR has featured distinguished speakers including Nicholas de Torrente, the executive director of Doctors Without Borders; Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nicholas Kristof; and Mark Hanis, founder and president of Genocide Intervention Network.
Please visit our website,, for more information on NUCHR, including the student delegate application, the conference schedule, and speaker updates. If you have any additional questions, please contact the co-directors of this year's conference - Scott Chilberg, Julie Kornfeld, and Katharine Nasielski - at
Grad Admissions Forum International Affairs

From: James Donnen []
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 5:59 PM
Subject: OCT 26th: Grad Admissions Forum--International Affairs
I invite you to circulate the announcement below to your undergraduates or alumni who may be interested in an advanced degree in international affairs.
The Graduate Forum in Seattle, part of a series of admission fairs organized by APSIA each fall (see, should provide a valuable opportunity for prospective students in our region.
A flier for duplication and posting is attached. If appropriate, I would appreciate your forwarding this message to other campus departments whose students may benefit. Thanks very much for your help.
James Donnen, University of Washington
Jackson School of International Studies
(Coordinators for 2010 Seattle Fair)
OCTOBER 26, 2010
6:00-8:00 PM
On Tuesday, October 26, the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) will conduct a campus forum on graduate education in international affairs at Seattle University.
Admissions officers from participating schools will be at the Seattle University Student Center from 6:00 to 8:00 pm to distribute literature on their schools and answer questions from prospective applicants. Many of the top graduate programs in international affairs will be represented; as of today, 19 APSIA schools plan to attend.
A short pre-fair admissions panel will begin at 5:30 in the Boeing Room of the Lemieux Library, which is located next to the Student Center. A panel of admissions directors from APSIA member schools will present general information about the admissions process, tips for producing strong applications, and how determine the best program for your needs. The panel will also answer questions from attendees.
There is no admission fee, and reservations are not required. Attendees are encouraged to register, however, by visiting the APSIA website
( and clicking on the "Seattle" Forum name.
Schools attending:
American University
University of California, San Diego
Columbia University
Georgetown University
The George Washington University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Harvard University
The Johns Hopkins University
University of Maryland
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
National University of Singapore
University of Pittsburgh
Princeton University
Sciences Po (Paris)
University of Southern California
Syracuse University
Tufts University
University of Washington
James Donnen | University of Washington
Director of Student Services | Seattle, WA 98195 USA
Jackson School of Int'l Studies | Ph: (206) 543-6001 Fax: 616-3170
Box 353650 | E-mail:
Monday, October 04, 2010
The Washington Center
The Washington Center is the largest independent, nonprofit academic internship program in the country. It brings together exceptional and dedicated college students and civic, governmental and business leaders, hundreds of colleges and universities, scores of public and private host organizations (or internship sites), and over 40,000 alumni. Founded 35 years ago, TWC is a unique educational center based on a fully integrated mix of professional experience, academic coursework and real-life challenges.
TWC’s Mission is Building Future Leaders
Leaders are built from the inside out. They are made, not born. The Washington Center’s program advisors and internship site supervisors work tirelessly to ensure that students get the most out of their internship experience.
The Washington Center believes it is a fundamental civic duty to instill in all program participants the need to be well-informed, public-spirited and socially engaged leaders. TWC’s alumni hold leadership positions in virtually every career field, including law, education, social work, medicine, journalism, diplomacy, business and politics. Several even serve on TWC’s Board of Directors.
Two Core Programs
The Washington Center offers two types of programs:
InternshipsSemester- or summer-long integrated academic and work experiences in government, corporations and nonprofit organizations. Each internship is tailored to provide meaningful work experiences that will enhance students’ resumes and help launch their careers. Most internships are in Washington, D.C., but there are also opportunities abroad in London, England and Sydney, Australia. Additionally, students take academic courses and attend special programming during their time at The Washington Center.
Academic SeminarsThese intensive learning experiences focused on specific topics, such as National Security, the Presidency and the Middle East Peace Process. Past seminars have included visits to such locations as Capitol Hill, CNN, the Newseum, embassies and many others. Seminar events have featured such respected speakers as Ted Koppel, Discovery Channel; Andrea Mitchell, NBC News; Governor Howard Dean, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee; and others.
Boren Awards for Study Abroad
Boren Scholarships and Fellowships provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to add an important international and language component to their educations. We focus on geographic areas, languages, and fields of study that are critical to U.S. national security, broadly defined, and underrepresented in study abroad.
Boren Scholarships Deadline: February 10, 2011
Each campus sets an earlier campus deadline.
Boren Fellowships Deadline: February 1, 2011
Click here to apply
PPIA Junior Summer Institutes
UC Berkeley | Michigan | Carnegie Mellon | Maryland | Princeton
The PPIA Junior Summer Institutes (JSI) have been the hallmark of the PPIA Fellowship Program for over 20 years. JSI is an intensive seven-week summer program that focuses on preparing students for graduate programs in public and international affairs and careers as policy professionals, public administrators and other leadership roles in public service. The JSI curriculum includes economics, statistics, domestic/international policy issues and leadership topics, all designed to sharpen the students' quantitative, analytic and communication skills. Extracurricular activities are also included. These skills are vital for admission into the top graduate programs in public and international affairs. The successful completion of a summer institute is a requirement for PPIA Fellows.Fellowship Eligibility Criteria & Guidelines
All prospective PPIA Fellows are expected to dedicate themselves to the traditions and objectives of the PPIA Fellowship Program, have an abiding commitment to public service and contribute to more diverse perspectives in public policy and international affairs. The following are more specific criteria and guidelines:
- Must be a United States citizen or legal permanent resident to apply to the JSI's hosted by Berkeley, Maryland and Michigan. International applicants pursuing a bachelor's degree in the U.S. will be considered by Carnegie Mellon and Princeton.
- Must have completed junior year of college by the start of Junior Summer Institute (JSI) and have at least one full semester or two quarters of coursework remaining before graduation.
- Must not have attained a Bachelor’s Degree prior to start of Junior Summer Institute.
- Must be committed to completing a Master’s Degree in public and/or international affairs at one of the PPIA Consortium graduate schools.
- Must demonstrate an interest in pursuing a professional career associated with public service such as government, nonprofits, humanitarian and international organizations and other related programs.
- Must contribute to the diversity of perspectives.
- Economic need is given consideration.
- All academic majors are welcome to apply.
As a PPIA Fellow you are entitled to the following benefits:
- Full tuition at a PPIA Junior Summer Institute.
- Eligibility to receive assistance with travel expenses.
- Minimum of $1,000 stipend.
- University housing with a meal plan.
- Books and related course materials.
- GRE prep.
Critical Language Scholarship 2011
A program of United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program will offer intensive summer language institutes overseas in thirteen critical need foreign languages for summer 2011. The 2011 CLS Program application is now available, and the deadline to apply is November 15, 2010. The selection process will be administered by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) with awards approved by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The CLS Program will be administered by CAORC and the American Councils for International Education.
Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) institutes provide fully-funded group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks for U.S. citizen undergraduate, Master’s and Ph.D. students.
* Arabic, Persian: Advanced beginning, intermediate or advanced level;
* Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Turkish, Urdu: Beginning, intermediate or advanced level;
* Chinese, Japanese, Russian: Intermediate or advanced level.
The CLS Program is part of a U.S. government effort to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering critical need foreign languages. Students of diverse disciplines and majors are encouraged to apply. Participants are expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period, and later apply their critical language skills in their future professional careers. Please visit 2010 CLS Institutes for more information.
Countries may include: Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Russia, South Korea, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, or others where the target languages are spoken.
Please see Information for Applicants for eligibility requirements, grant benefits, and language levels and pre-requisites.
The 2011 CLS Program application is now available. The deadline to apply is November 15, 2010 at 11:59pm PST.
ICPSR Research Paper Competition
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research and the Research Center for Minority Data are pleased to announce our 2011 Research Paper Competitions. This year, ICPSR and RCMD are holding three competitions – two for undergraduates and one for master’s students.
The purpose of these competitions is to highlight student research papers using RCMD or ICPSR data. The objective is to encourage students to explore the social sciences by means of critical analysis of a topic supported by quantitative analysis of a dataset(s) held within ICPSR or the RCMD archive and presented in written form. Entries to the either undergraduates or master’s competition could be papers written for a capstone course, a senior seminar, or any writing intensive course for which the student uses quantitative data analysis to support or refute a hypothesis. A master’s thesis could be appropriate provided that the terms above are met.
One of the undergraduate competitions is for papers using data in the RCMD archive; the other can use dataset(s) from any ICPSR archive. The master’s competition can use data from any ICPSR archive.
Competitions awards are $1,000 for first place and $750 for second place. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2011. For more information, submission guidelines, and promotional posters, please visit the competition Web site
For more information, contact Sue Hodge at or 734-615-7850.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Davies-Jackson Scholarship
Davies-Jackson Scholarship
The Davies-Jackson Scholarship presents a unique opportunity for students with exceptional academic records, who are among the first in their families to graduate college, to participate in a course of study at St. John’s College at the University of Cambridge. After two years of study, candidates are awarded a Cambridge B.A. degree, known as the Cantab degree, which is often viewed as the equivalent of a masters degree in the U.S.
Scholarship recipients will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich educational environment of St. John’s, which was founded in the 16th century, by reading in one of the following subjects: Archaeology and Anthropology, Classics, Economics, English, Geography, History, History of Art, Modern and Medieval Languages, Music, Philosophy, or Social and Political Sciences.