Monday, November 16, 2009

Fraud, political science, and Puget Sound...what?

It would appear that a faculty member in political science at Williams has been convicted of student aid, bank, and Social Security fraud. Among other things, he claimed a BA from Puget Sound under the name of someone who went here. It gets worse:

In 1993, Moore created a new identity for himself by obtaining a California driver’s license and a new Social Security number in the name of “Bernard Glenn-Moore.” In 2002, Moore used this false name and Social Security number to apply successfully for admission to Claremont Graduate University (“CGU”) in California to pursue a Master’s degree in Public Policy. Also using this false name and Social Security number, Moore applied for and received federal student aid in four disbursements totaling $37,000 for the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 school years. In addition, Moore used this alias to apply for and receive four private student loans from Chase Bank USA, N.A. and Citibank USA, N.A. (“Citibank”) totaling $79,777 in the same years. During the same time period, Moore also used the alias “Bernard Moore” and the same false Social Security number to open with the Stanford Federal Credit Union two Echecking Accounts and a Student Savings Account and to apply for and receive two loans totaling $7,000. In applying for admission to CGU, Moore falsely stated, among other things, that he had received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1970 from the University of Puget Sound under the name KM (when, in fact, Moore’s associate KM had earned that degree and Moore has never received any undergraduate degree) and that “Tracy Cannady” was a reference (when, infact, that was another alias of Moore’s). In his applications for federal student aid, Moore falsely stated, among other things, that he had children he supported and that he had not previously defaulted on any federal student loan. In August 2004, Moore graduated from CGU, under his alias, with a Master of Arts degree in Politics.

Read all the stuff here.