Tuesday, October 10, 2006

From Georgetown to Geneva

From Natalie Jones '01:

As you know, Erin Speck and I are good friends and she just sent me a link to the department blog that she's featured prominently in. I realize that technically I am IPE and not P&G, but would it be possible to get added to the list so that I can get updates? Its very interesting reading and a great way of keeping the community together. As an undergrad, the info about grad programs and what other people are up to would have been useful to have.

And now for the obligatory update: I'm currently in Geneva, studying at the University of Geneva. Georgetown started up a partnership with the University and their new "IOMBA" program (www.iomba.ch) , so I'm here for a year doing that. After completing a year of classes here and an internship, I'll go back to Georgetown for a semester to finish, the graduate with my joint MPP and MBA degrees. Its a new program, but the two guest professors they've brought in so far have been pretty good. (for IR, David Kang from Dartmouth and for IPE, John Ravenhill from Australian National University). Its been an intense month since we started at the beginning of September, but so far, so good!

Keep up with the blog! The video footage from the cafe really made me chuckle- just like old times!
