Professor O’Neil,
I hope you are having a wonderful summer! Our office is currently hiring for the Fall 2011 internship session in Washington, D.C. (August to December 2011).
We would love to have our Paid Intern hired by mid-July, so if you know any interested students, please send them my way!
As background:
Interns in the Washington, D.C. office will have an opportunity to learn about the legislative process and the federal government by working closely with the legislative, communications and constituent services staff members. We have openings for 4 interns, 3 part time unpaid and 1 full time paid. Furthermore, interns in any office can arrange to receive academic credit for their work.
Candidates should have an interest in the legislative process, possess excellent writing and communication skills, and have an understanding of the American political system. Pacific Northwest ties are a plus!
Legislative interns will be responsible for projects such as writing correspondence, providing support for daily legislative tasks, fielding constituent phone calls and other requests. Other duties include leading Capitol building tours and providing staff with general office support. During their term, interns will also have the opportunity to attend briefings and committee hearings of personal interest and complete individual and team goals.
Please forward this email to any potential students, post on the P&G Blog, and feel free to give them my contact information if they have any questions!
Rebecca Bryant
Office of Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09)
2402 Rayburn House Office Building
office: 202.225.8901
cell: 202.657.7374
Interested in hearing more about an issue before Congress? Sign up for Adam’s e-mail updates.| YouTube | Twitter | RSS
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Loggers Moving to DC? Alumni Welcoming Event!
For UPS students moving to DC this summer, here's a great opportunity to meet some people already working in the district. Becca Bryant and the Puget Sound DC Regional Alumni Club have organized a welcoming event for you. Here's the information:
Hey Loggers! Join the University of Puget Sound Washington, D.C. Regional Club
for a picnic to welcome the Class of 2011 to the Alumni Community.
What: Logger Picnic at the Tidal Basin
Where: Tidal Basin, Washington D.C. (you'll find it)
Date: August 10, 2011
Time: 6 p.m.
Please bring your favorite summer dishes!
For more information and to RSVP please contact Becca Bryant ’10 at
Hey Loggers! Join the University of Puget Sound Washington, D.C. Regional Club
for a picnic to welcome the Class of 2011 to the Alumni Community.
What: Logger Picnic at the Tidal Basin
Where: Tidal Basin, Washington D.C. (you'll find it)
Date: August 10, 2011
Time: 6 p.m.
Please bring your favorite summer dishes!
For more information and to RSVP please contact Becca Bryant ’10 at
June 20: Lecture on Churchill, Roosevelt and the Road to Pearl Harbor
Churchill, Roosevelt and the Road to Pearl Harbor
Lecture with Prof. John Maurer. Chairman of the Strategy and Policy Department at the U.S. Naval War College
Monday June 20th, 2011. 7pm
Dear History Political Science Instructors & Professors,
This year marks the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor and America’s entry into the war. Following this terrible attack, as Prime Minister, Churchill traveled to Washington to begin working with President Roosevelt in forming a Grand Alliance that would solidify the special relationship between Britain and America.
To commemorate this 70th anniversary year, The Churchill Centre is glad to announce a special lecture: Churchill, Roosevelt and the Road to Pearl Harbor on Monday, June 20th 2011 by Prof. John Maurer. John Maurer is Chairman of the Strategy and Policy Department at the U.S. Naval War College. He has also served on the Secretary of the Navy’s advisory committee on naval history and has authored books on the outbreak of the First World War, military interventions in the developing world, naval arms control between the two world wars, and a study about Winston Churchill’s views on British foreign policy and strategy. Before joining the faculty of the Naval War College, he was executive editor of Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs. Dr. Maurer holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
The Pearl Harbor commemorative event will be held in the Great Hall of the Diocesan House at St. Mark’s in Seattle (Map). The lecture will begin promptly at 7:00pm and afterwards we will have an opportunity to meet Prof. Maurer over a selection of English desserts and scones from Elizabeth & Alexanders. The cost of the evening will be $25 ($15 for students and veterans) and can be paid on arrival. Please reply to this email to reserve a place as soon as possible.
Simon A. Mould, Ed. D.
President, The Seattle Churchill Centre
Lecture with Prof. John Maurer. Chairman of the Strategy and Policy Department at the U.S. Naval War College
Monday June 20th, 2011. 7pm
Dear History Political Science Instructors & Professors,
This year marks the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor and America’s entry into the war. Following this terrible attack, as Prime Minister, Churchill traveled to Washington to begin working with President Roosevelt in forming a Grand Alliance that would solidify the special relationship between Britain and America.
To commemorate this 70th anniversary year, The Churchill Centre is glad to announce a special lecture: Churchill, Roosevelt and the Road to Pearl Harbor on Monday, June 20th 2011 by Prof. John Maurer. John Maurer is Chairman of the Strategy and Policy Department at the U.S. Naval War College. He has also served on the Secretary of the Navy’s advisory committee on naval history and has authored books on the outbreak of the First World War, military interventions in the developing world, naval arms control between the two world wars, and a study about Winston Churchill’s views on British foreign policy and strategy. Before joining the faculty of the Naval War College, he was executive editor of Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs. Dr. Maurer holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
The Pearl Harbor commemorative event will be held in the Great Hall of the Diocesan House at St. Mark’s in Seattle (Map). The lecture will begin promptly at 7:00pm and afterwards we will have an opportunity to meet Prof. Maurer over a selection of English desserts and scones from Elizabeth & Alexanders. The cost of the evening will be $25 ($15 for students and veterans) and can be paid on arrival. Please reply to this email to reserve a place as soon as possible.
Simon A. Mould, Ed. D.
President, The Seattle Churchill Centre